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Charrua さんのレビュー一覧 




  • 3人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    I’ve seen this concert, which is certainly worth both of Beethoven Piano Concerto nº 4 and Bruckner Te Deum.

    BUT: as for Boulez Notations, they are beyond all bearing! If they were not SANDWICHED placed between Beethoven and Bruckner, either the listeners would have arrived half an hour later, or would have left the concert hall half an hour earlier…



  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    Stender’s transcription of Bruckner 3rd is much better than his 7th transcription. If you purchase this CD you will enjoy it. No doubt.



  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    Lionel Rogg’s transcription for organ of Bruckner’s 7th is very good. If you purchase this CD, you will enjoy it. Do not forget that Bruckner was an organist and what Oswald Kabasta said: ”Anfaenglich von der Schroffheit der vielen unverbereiteten Tuttieinsaetze im hoechsten Staerkegrade, auch des reich besetzten Blechkoerpers, betroffen, ERKANNTE ICH BALD, DASS BRUCKNER DAMIT NUR VON DER ORGEL, DIE IM PLENO EBEN NUR DIE GANZE SCHAERFE DES ROHRWERKES KENNT, WOHLVERTRAUTE KLANGWIRKUNGEN AUF DAS ORCHESTER UEBERTRAGEN HAT” (Anton Bruckner, Wissenschaftliche und Kuenstleriche Betrachtungen zu den Originalfassungen, p. 49) I would also counsel to Brucknerians to get Thomas Schmoegner’s transcription of Bruckner 4th (label: Edition Lade) played at the symphonic organ of La Madeleine (Paris). The best of the best.



  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    Paita’s tempi are truly extrange.

    Just compare:
    Symphony No. 8 in C Minor1887/90 Mixed Versions. Ed. Robert Haas [1939]:

    Abendroth: 82:28
    Goodall: 89:20
    Haitink: 88:30
    Horenstein: 81:28
    Jochum: 82:39
    Karajan: 85:30
    Kempe: 82:10
    Klemperer: 81:00
    Konwitschny: 81:13
    PAITA: 73:41
    Schuricht: 79:45
    Wand: 88:00

    Read the following statement taken of his official website concerning the 8th Symphony: ”La monumentale symphonie de Bruckner DEGAGEE DES PESANTEURS, ROMANTIQUES, RELIGIEUSES ET IDEOLOGIQUES (...) Richard Freed ecrit dans la revue americaine ” Stereo Review ” : ” La lecture que fait Paita de la Huitieme Symphonie de Bruckner est pleine de perspicacite et de conviction. Elle est aussi convaincante que celle d’Horenstein, mais plus vigoureuse et impetueuse. Le grand adagio et le scherzo sont animes par un immense elan et un sens extreme de la pulsation qui evite l’essoufflement et EXCLUT LA MONUMENTALITE NARCISSIQUE D’AUTRES INTERPRETATIONS (...) il s’agit la d’un des enregistrements LES PLUS REUSSIS DE TOUTES LES SYMPHONIES DE BRUCKNER”.

    As for his live concert of the 4th Symphony it is said that ”Nous connaissions deja sa version ”studio” de la Huitieme. Le maestro est egal a lui-meme : la dynamique et le souffle incroyable pousses a l’extreme NOUS MONTRE UN BRUCKNER BEAUCOUP MOINS SAGE QUE LA TRADITION NOUS LE LAISSE ENTENDRE...”

    Brucknerians: do not waste your money.



  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    I liked Stender’s transcription of Bruckner 3rd much more than his 7th. transcription. By the way, to all Brucknerians I would counsel to get Thomas Schmoegner’s transcription for organ of Bruckner’s 4th Symphony (label: Edition Lade), played at the symphonic Cavaille-Call organ of La Madeleine (Paris). The best of the best.


