
w-inds. レビュー一覧 3ページ目

w-inds. | レビュー一覧 | CD、DVD、ブルーレイ(BD)、ゲーム、グッズなどを取り扱う【HMV&BOOKS online】では、コンビニ受け取り送料無料!国内最大級のECサイトです!いずれも、Pontaポイント利用可能!お得なキャンペーンや限定特典アイテムも多数!支払い方法、配送方法もいろいろ選べ、非常に便利です!


並べ替え: 新着順| 共感数の多い順| 評価の高い順
  • This concert is awesome!! It’s even much better t...


    This concert is awesome!! It’s even much better than Seventh Ave concert! I love this concert and it’s the best concert that I like from them so far. The stage is so classy with the fairytale-like theme of Sweet Fantasy. All of their outfits for 2009 concert were superb too! Really nice and classy! They had more stage show this year.. and it fits the songs perfectly! Ryohei and Ryuichi got the chance to sing more solo lines in songs such as shiki, endless moment and boogie woogie 66. Absolutely love the choice of songs as well. Love every single songs. The entire atmosphere of the concert was absolutely high and hot! Keita’s vocal was just superbly superb! Their dance were so good and Ryu and Ryo had perfectly in sync with Keita’s vocal, which created awesome harmony for each and every songs. I can’t describe much with words as it’s just too awesome that no words can justify it. This is also a concert that they spoke a lot of english. haha! I was quite surprised but laughing at the same time. It’s just too cute! Their older songs such as endless moment, deny, game and super lover, i really love the version that they sang in the concert. It sounds different with their matured voice but really love it! They ended it with New World with intense dance moves! A great way to end the concert. I have no regrets at all in purchasing this dvd as it’s the best!! Their best concert up-to-date. I was really upset when they didn’t release their 8th anniversary album but this concert DVD has make it up for it. haha! They really had fun performing and fans were really enjoying it as well. For those who haven’t buy it, please do so! If you like any of their previous concert, you will like this for sure because this is absolutely the best up-to-date.

    dearlysaint さん

  • I am totally in love with New World and have been ...


    I am totally in love with New World and have been waiting for this single to release. New World is really catchy and the lyrics is easy to remember and easy to sing along. I totally love this. Their dance for this song is so intense and energetic! Totally cool and awesome! Their best dance moves up-to-date. The PV for New World is really cool as well. Though I am not so fond of the discotheque’s scene, I totally love the scene at the back of the PV. Them with blue jackets with their awesome dancers, it’s amazing! Totally in love with this PV and song and everything about it!! As for the coupling, Fighting for love. This song is good too, another upbeat song. I just can’t help but to think of a drama theme for this song. haha! It keeps reminding me of a firefighter drama. haha! This song will be perfect to be the theme of that drama. I have no regrets in buying Version A but I would just hope the DVD will show the jacket shoots and slight interview of them on this song, just like what they used to have in their DVD from their past singles such as shiki, beautiful life and etc. I really really missed those jacket shoots. For fans who prefer New World, Version A is the one for you.

    dearlysaint さん

  • As for Truth, it’s a piece of music that’s compo...


    As for Truth, it’s a piece of music that’s composed by an American singer, Ne-yo. Honestly, I am not really into this type of music; hence I am not too fancy with this song. haha! However, I have bought Version B as well because I want to support w-inds. and at the same time, I love the PV for truth. It’s taken in HK and it’s their first time that their PV was taken overseas. The PV looks really natural and documentary. They really had fun as they looked in the PV. This PV is really unique unlike others PV-like PV as this looks more like a documentary PV. haha! Love it! The coupling song, Tribute in Version B is awesome! It’s a tribute song to the late Mr. Michael Jackson, which I find it really meaningful. I love the song and it’s a medium beat song. I can’t stop listening to this song. Tribute will be my next favorite apart from New World. For fans who prefer New World more, you can get Version A and for fans who prefer Truth, Version B is the one for you. For fans who like all the songs in it but do not want to spend much, regular edition will be the one for you. For fans who want the PVs and all the cpupling song, you can buy all the 3 versions like i did. haha! In my opinion, this single is so much better than their previous single, Rain is falling/ Hybrid dream. If you like their previous single, then you will definitely love this single as it’s so much better!! THIS SINGLE IS A MUST BUY!! FULL STARS FOR THIS SINGLE.

    Saint さん

  • Wow! After listening to this album, realized that ...


    Wow! After listening to this album, realized that songs in this album are of different style from Journey album. Slightly different and that what makes me super excited for w-inds. album every year because I know they are going to give something new and different to their fans. Although Journey album appealed to me more, I like the fact they are constantly changing and trying out new styles and things in order to reach another height of style or standard to deliver their very best to their fans. LOVE THEM!! Sometimes, the end result might not suit every fans but their endless efforts have never ever fail me or their fans. Love both jacket covers for seventh ave album, very refreshing and different. My favorite songs from this album are Hello, Tokyo, Rock it (uniquely different), Ameato (very soothing), love is the greatest thing (very catchy despite of the high pitch, which is impressive instead of annoying), Stay (absolutely love this song, so romantic), beautiful life (beautiful song goes well with the title) and summer days. Vocal is the BEST! Worth buying it? Well, to fans who do not like this kind of style, they might not like it but for fans who like to try out new things and for fans who have been following w-inds. all these years are definitely going to buy this. Like this album.

    dearlysaint さん

  • Wow! Another new outbreak of style in this album a...


    Wow! Another new outbreak of style in this album as it’s different from Thanks album. Keita’s vocal has gone another level of maturity. Love how his voice developed as years gone by. The harmonization of the 3 are heaven! Ryu and Ryo have less rapping if compared to POL album due to the style changes of w-inds. yet they are able to bring out a whole different level standard of w-inds. to their fans and to people who are listening to their songs. Their vocals especially Keita’s have matured wonderfully. Vocal has became more solid and powerful. My favorite songs in this album are Top secret (super mysterious-like melody), crazy for you, devil (with a really cool rap of ryo and ryu), trial, tooi kioku, milky way, journey, message (love how keita expressed his vocal emotions in here), celebration (super christmas feeling with super cheerful tune), boogie woogie 66, triangle and hanamuke (heavenly song). Love this album so much!! DVD that comes with the album makes it so much more worthy of buying it. Love every bits from the DVD.

    dearlysaint さん

  • Super lover is in this album!! Every fans love sup...


    Super lover is in this album!! Every fans love super lover!! It’s super duper catchy and fun. w-inds. has grown so much compared to their first 2 albums. Keita’s vocal too has started to mature - slightly. Songs are getting catchier and song selections for this album is the best! My favorite songs in this album is every single songs! I love it all. This album is definitely a must buy! Highly recommended!

    dearlysaint さん

  • I was really surprised on how Keita’s vocal has m...


    I was really surprised on how Keita’s vocal has matured so much compared to their first 3 albums! However, sometimes he sounded nasal-ish in some of the songs he sang during this era. But it’s still very good Good to see how much they have grown together so much in this industry. Songs selection for this album, though not all impressed me, this seems to be a really strong album because this is the only album by far that has the most singles in 1 album. Singles such as kirei da, shiki, pieces, kawari yuku sora, and yume no basho he are nice; however pieces doesn’t really appeal to me. haha! Most fans love shiki too as this song is really really good! Love the lyrics and the feeling that this song gave me. Very seasonal feeling which is suitable for all seasons. haha! kirei da is very dancy and catchy too. Apart from these songs, my other fave are lil’ crazy (this is a very indian or aboriginal-feeling song), which is so unique when apply it on japanese vocal. Natsuzora no koi no uta too is very summer and very refreshing, love this song! Ageha is probably one of my fave songs in this album after shiki. Color me and gift too are my fave songs in this album. Worth buying it? A.B.S.O.L.U.T.E.L.Y!!

    dearlysaint さん

  • Honestly, I do prefer their album as they grow. Ab...


    Honestly, I do prefer their album as they grow. Absolutely love this album as well! Love Keita’s vocal too and Ryo and Ryu’s style and vocal for the harmonization have matured as well.. their harmonization has gotten stronger and sturdy when compared to the past. Their dance moves are the best! Awesome! Songs selection for this album are superb too! Even though not all songs are my fave, it’s enough for me to buy this album. haha! Their songs style have started to change from their previous style as well, that shows they are slowly maturing into adulthood soon. My favorite songs in this album are 1 or 8, Hush...!, Still on the street, midnight venus, its in the stars, light, Izayoi no tsuki, yakusoku no kakera, kageboushi, balance and semishigure. Almost all of the tracks. haha! Although this new style of theirs do not appeal to some fans but for fans who are growing with them like me will definitely love it as I see fresh style from them, which is a part of growing for them as an artist in this music industry. Superbly worth buying this album.

    dearlysaint さん

  • This album is suitable for fans who are still new ...


    This album is suitable for fans who are still new to w-inds. and do not know which album of theirs to buy yet. Since this contains their first 12 singles and some songs from their POL album and 1st message, it’s a quick way for new fans to know what is w-inds. songs all about. For fans who wish to have something that is able to play all the singles at one go, this is also a great album to have. haha! The DVD that comes with the limited edition is worth having it as well as it shows some of their documentary before they debuted and after. Worth buying it!

    dearlysaint さん

  • This is a great compilation of all w-inds. works. ...


    This is a great compilation of all w-inds. works. From their debut PV until their 25th, Everyday and Can’t get back PV. It’s a great buy for winds. fans who do not buy their works vol previously but would like to have everything in just 1 DVD. This DVD also comes with their last year’s Christmas event at Zepp Tokyo, which is a limited entry for fans. Therefore, for overseas’ fans or fans that have missed the live, they are able to watch this great live from this DVD. This DVD is also a great buy for t

    dearlysaint さん |20代



