
w-inds. レビュー一覧 2ページ目

w-inds. | レビュー一覧 | CD、DVD、ブルーレイ(BD)、ゲーム、グッズなどを取り扱う【HMV&BOOKS online】では、コンビニ受け取り送料無料!国内最大級のECサイトです!いずれも、Pontaポイント利用可能!お得なキャンペーンや限定特典アイテムも多数!支払い方法、配送方法もいろいろ選べ、非常に便利です!


並べ替え: 新着順| 共感数の多い順| 評価の高い順
  • 登場の場面、最初の3曲立て続けにあまりにかっこよく...


    登場の場面、最初の3曲立て続けにあまりにかっこよくて 手の動き、口の表情まで見せることに徹していると感じました。 とてもいいライブでどこをとっても素晴らしく、鳥肌の立つような 慶太のEverydayは本当に聴かせる歌でした。 10年間で成長したんだなあ・・・・、w-inds.は。 最後の場面には、何度も泣きました。

    ari さん

  • Limited Editionのほうを購入しました。横浜アリーナ...


    Limited Editionのほうを購入しました。横浜アリーナのライブ映像、もう最高です!! 曲目は夏のツアーと違っていますが、パフォーマンスは相変わらずのクオリティです。カメラワークもばっちりなので、ファンの方にはほんとにおススメです。

    あいり さん

  • w-inds.の今までのLIVEのなかで一番いいLIVEだったと...



    selena さん

  • 最近w-inds.のファンになりました(^^ゞ これは素晴ら...


    最近w-inds.のファンになりました(^^ゞ これは素晴らしいです (@煤翌撃) どの歌もダンスも鳥肌ものです!! こんなすごいパフォーマンスが五年前から行われていたなんて!! このDVDを見て、w-inds.をもっと好きになりました。 ストーリー構成になっていて、オープニングなんてミュージカルのようですヽ(´∀`)ノ 多くの人に見てもらいたいです! 今からでも十分買う価値がありますよッ!

    K さん |10代

  • テレビでも見ましたが、今回は放送されなかった部分も...



    恭子 さん |20代

  • w-inds.を好きになったキッカケの曲です! 透き通った...


    w-inds.を好きになったキッカケの曲です! 透き通った歌声とダンスが可愛いです:) 何年経ってもいい曲だと思えます!

    selena さん

  • I truly love this time’s single. I bought all the...


    I truly love this time’s single. I bought all the 3 versions and have listened to all the 4 songs on the track. Addicted to love, to me is the most addicting. It’s a dance number with catchy beat to it. I love the dance routine for this song too. Though it’s not as intense as new world, it’s really good and I really love the little little detail that they have for this dance. It suits the song very much. I won’t get tired of this song. The rest of the other 3 songs are slower in beat. I like how Love or leave is, the transition between slow beat moving into medium tempo and back to slow beat again. In Now you’re gone, I was surprised to see Keita’s name as one of the music arranges and do not know what to expect but once I listened to the song, I must say it’s pretty impressive. A slow beat song where it could bring back a lot of sadness memories with your partner, that kind of feeling. The chorus where they all sang ”Now you’re gone~” add a little more flavor to the song. Last but not least, Rain is another song that got my attention. I like how the melody was arranged especially during the chorus. The sound of the electric guitar and drum are really nice. It adds more intensity to the song especially the chorus. There is something special about this song that got my attention. The emotions that Keita displayed in his voice while singing this song has gotten me sink deep into the song. I really like this song as well. The harmonization of all the 3 w-inds. members make all the difference in these songs. Overall, this is the best single up-to-date. The bonus part to this single is, the Limited edition comes with a making and jacket shoot of the PV!! I really missed watching their jacket shoot and making. I wish in the future, they will once again include jacket shooting and making in their limited pressing DVD. I truly recommend this single!!

    dearlysaint さん

  • 相変わらずクオリティの高いアーティストですね。この...



    あいり さん |20代

  • I am so amazed with this album. Their style of son...


    I am so amazed with this album. Their style of songs, choices of songs and the way they sang it are very very different from all their past albums. This album has also involved a lot of great composers, collaborating with other artists and such, it’s one great great album. Intercode makes a really good intro to the album. It sounds hypnotic. New World is really upbeat and love the energetic dance a lot! Can’t get back is another dance number with great dance routine and the song is mysteriously good. Re:vision’s melody is really unique, Nothing is impossible is really catchy especially the lyrics. ”You’re so hot and sexy girl” haha! love it. Great B vocals from ryo and ryu too ’cus if it’s without them, this song sounds incomplete. Rain is falling is their first song ever collab with a korean singer, GD. Another dance number with rapping, pretty catchy too. Some more is every fans’ favorite in this album, it’s seriously addicting. If anyone listened to it, rest assured that ”gimme gimme gimme some more” is going to play over and over again in your mind. It’s really addicting. o^_^o When I listened to don’t remind me, it makes my heart ache, it gave a really nostalgic feeling. In the red is a ballad with keita’s vocal being greatly emphasized, adding ryo and ryu’s B vocal, it’s perfect. Truth is a work of American singer, Ne-yo and it has a catchy beat to it. What’s different about this song is, their PV was taken while they were in HK. Their first ever PV that was taken out of Japan. However, I am not really a fan of this genre of song. ^^; Hybrid dream is another slow song but then again, this type of genre isn’t really my type too. Cos of you is awesome!! One of my favorites! The chorus (ryo and ryu’s B vocal) makes it sounds really really nice. It’s one catchy song too. Prayer is a fast song, something like Nothing is impossible as well.. the song is seriously growing on me. Love it. Spiral is a fast pace slow song. Though it has slow melody but the singing pace is fast. haha! In this song, the vocal unity of the group, the blends, the harmonization, the beauty and the power of 3 vocals are clearly heard. It has really done a justification to the song. Last but not least, everyday.. a romantic ballad of all time. Love it. Overall, this album is awesome! It has become my favorite w-inds. album for now. I was upset when they didn’t release an anniversary album last year but this album has made up for everything. If the reason why they didn’t release an album last year was due to they want to take sufficient time to choose every songs in detail and carefully, to record every single songs as best as it could, then it’s all worth the wait for this album. I love it and I truly recommended it to all. It’s a must buy of the year! I bought both versions of this album. I am really proud to be known as a w-inds. fan.

    dearlysaint さん

  • 今までのw-inds.を一新した 新しいw-inds.。 10周年...


    今までのw-inds.を一新した 新しいw-inds.。 10周年を迎え新たな試みで アーティストとしてのクオリティの高さを実感させられる1枚です。 R&Bや洋楽好きには もってこいの1枚と濃い内容になっています。

    ゆみ さん |10代



