
CDシングル New World/Truth〜最後の真実〜

New World/Truth〜最後の真実〜


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  • ★★★★★ 

    Saint  |  none  |  不明  |  2009年12月22日

    As for Truth, it’s a piece of music that’s composed by an American singer, Ne-yo. Honestly, I am not really into this type of music; hence I am not too fancy with this song. haha! However, I have bought Version B as well because I want to support w-inds. and at the same time, I love the PV for truth. It’s taken in HK and it’s their first time that their PV was taken overseas. The PV looks really natural and documentary. They really had fun as they looked in the PV. This PV is really unique unlike others PV-like PV as this looks more like a documentary PV. haha! Love it! The coupling song, Tribute in Version B is awesome! It’s a tribute song to the late Mr. Michael Jackson, which I find it really meaningful. I love the song and it’s a medium beat song. I can’t stop listening to this song. Tribute will be my next favorite apart from New World. For fans who prefer New World more, you can get Version A and for fans who prefer Truth, Version B is the one for you. For fans who like all the songs in it but do not want to spend much, regular edition will be the one for you. For fans who want the PVs and all the cpupling song, you can buy all the 3 versions like i did. haha! In my opinion, this single is so much better than their previous single, Rain is falling/ Hybrid dream. If you like their previous single, then you will definitely love this single as it’s so much better!! THIS SINGLE IS A MUST BUY!! FULL STARS FOR THIS SINGLE.


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  • ★★★★★ 

    dearlysaint  |  none  |  不明  |  2009年12月22日

    I am totally in love with New World and have been waiting for this single to release. New World is really catchy and the lyrics is easy to remember and easy to sing along. I totally love this. Their dance for this song is so intense and energetic! Totally cool and awesome! Their best dance moves up-to-date. The PV for New World is really cool as well. Though I am not so fond of the discotheque’s scene, I totally love the scene at the back of the PV. Them with blue jackets with their awesome dancers, it’s amazing! Totally in love with this PV and song and everything about it!! As for the coupling, Fighting for love. This song is good too, another upbeat song. I just can’t help but to think of a drama theme for this song. haha! It keeps reminding me of a firefighter drama. haha! This song will be perfect to be the theme of that drama. I have no regrets in buying Version A but I would just hope the DVD will show the jacket shoots and slight interview of them on this song, just like what they used to have in their DVD from their past singles such as shiki, beautiful life and etc. I really really missed those jacket shoots. For fans who prefer New World, Version A is the one for you.


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