Do you Guarantee All Items on the Site?

No. Some items may be discontinued, or may take longer than 6 months for the supplier to get the item available.
In such circumstances, orders will be cancelled despite, your orders being confirmed.

We aim to stock items for customers with our best, but if we are not able to make it available from our supplier within 6-month from "Estimated Delivery Date" shown in an order confimation e-mail sent from HMV Fulfillment Center, we will regard the product as an unobtainable.
You can replace an order to the same item however, we can not guarantee that it will be available.

Customers also refer to the folloing page.
・ About First Press Limited, Novelty and Pre-order Items
・ How Can I Use My Members Points Online?
・ If I cancel items that are out of stock, will the discount be still active?

Has your problem been resolved?
・ Yes, it was resolved.
・ No, I still need help and cotact Customer Service.