ナルシャ (Brown Eyed Girls)

ナルシャ (Brown Eyed Girls) | CD、DVD、ブルーレイ(BD)、ゲーム、グッズなどを取り扱う【HMV&BOOKS online】では、コンビニ受け取り送料無料!国内最大級のECサイトです!いずれも、Pontaポイント利用可能!お得なキャンペーンや限定特典アイテムも多数!支払い方法、配送方法もいろいろ選べ、非常に便利です!





  • Popular girl group Brown Eyed Girls’ vocalist Nar...


    Popular girl group Brown Eyed Girls’ vocalist Narsha has finally put out her first solo mini-album several years after her debut with the group. Judging by the cover of this release, you might have guessed that the whole mini-album would just be another one of those dance release that is filled with auto-tune and messy arrangement. Well, you’ve guessed wrongly. From the concept to the music, this has got to be one of the best mini-album of the year. Track 1 (Fantastic) is not as ”Fantastic” as the title suggests. Nevertheless, it is listen-able. Forgettable yet has it has its own charm to it. The title track ”삐리빠빠” (Track 2) is a very addictive and well-arranged/composed song. It has a very building verse to it. Despite having a rather weak chorus to it, overall it is quirky (chorus) and sexy (verses) at the time. I would say that it is far better than what we usually hear these days. The third track ”I’m In Love” would be the highlight of the mini-album. It is still a wonder as to why it wasn’t chosen as the follow-up track after ”삐리빠빠”. It shows off her vocals and her English pronunciation is right on the point. The soft acoustic arrangement added with her crystal clear voice is definitely the best compliment to a rainy day. This track has the ability to turn someone with the heart made of ice to melt any day. It is then followed up with the fourth track, ”Queen B” would be considered as one of the weaker tracks of the mini-album. However, considering how strong the whole mini-album is, this track would’ve also been one of the better songs compared to other releases of the industry. The down-point of this song is that at times, it feels as though there are too many words put into a single line making it a bit mouthful. The arrangement of this track is once again very nicely done. It compliments her voice very well. The last track, ”Radio Star” is a very close second place of the mini-album. It gives off the classic Brown Eyed Girls (My Style & LOVE) vibe. At the same, it has its own charm that tells us that its Narsha. The whole mini-album can be seen as very well thought. The time and effort put into can be obviously observed not only through the concept but also through the music.

    soshi09 さん





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