CD Import

Brahms Symphony No, 4, Beethoven, J.S.Bach, Gabrieli, Schutz : Gardiner / Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique, Monteverdi Choir

Brahms (1833-1897)

User Review :5.0

Item Details

Catalogue Number
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Product Description

Brahms: Symphony No. 4 - John Eliot Gardiner

Beethoven: Coriolan Overture, Op. 62
Gabrieli: Sanctus et Benedictus a 12
Schutz: Responsorium: Saul, Saul, was verfolgst du mich SWV 415
Brahms: Geistliches Lied, Op. 30
Brahms: Fest- und Gedenkspruche, Op. 109
Brahms: Symphony No. 4 in E minor, Op. 98

The Monteverdi Choir & Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique
John Eliot Gardiner, conductor

Recorded live at Royal Festival Hall, London, 5-8 October 2008

The last instalment of the successful Brahms Symphony series which sees John Eliot Gardiner and his Orchestre Revolutionnaire et Romantique explore the music of Johannes Brahms. This album is a celebration of the Fourth Symphony and the various pieces that contributed to its making.

From baroque to romantic, and from great orchestral pieces to intimate choral works, the listener gains a wonderful insight into Brahms’s mind and music making, through pieces that he loved and inspired him.

The Fourth Symphony was described by Richard Strauss as “a giant work, great in concept an invention, masterful in its form, and yet from A to Z genuine Brahms, in a word, an enrichment to our art”. Drawing from many sources of the musical past, it is nevertheless absolutely unique.

It is impregnated with baroque influence - the Finale was directly inspired by Bach’s cantata Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich. Brahms enjoyed conducting less known old repertoire such as Gabrieli’s Sanctus Benedictus and Schutz’s Saul, Saul. They influenced his choral writing as we can hear in the Geistliches Lied. Brahms was also famously inspired by Beethoven, and the Finale to the Fourth clearly owes to his Coriolan overture.

The recordings from this series are drawn from Gardiner’s two-year Brahms and his Antecedents project which not only celebrated Brahms the composer, but traced the roots from which Brahms drew his creative inspiration. No other composer of the 19th century had such a close and informed relationship to music of the past and for this reason, great choral works by composers as varied as Beethoven, Bach, Schutz and Gabrielli are performed alongside Brahms’ compositions.

The booklet includes a conversation between John Eliot Gardiner and composer Hugh Wood, explaining how the pieces relate to each other and giving a moving account of Brahms as a composer and as a man. ( SDG )

Customer Reviews

Comprehensive Evaluation




投稿日:2017/03/30 (木)


うーつん さん | 東京都 | 不明

真のブラームス・サウンドへの挑戦である ...

投稿日:2016/10/21 (金)

真のブラームス・サウンドへの挑戦である ピリオド楽器と奏法を以てブラームスのシンフォニーに挑む指揮者と楽団が少ないのにお気づきだろうか このガーディナーとORRの演奏への世評も一つの回答となった 諸手を挙げて喝采を贈った風がない その美点を褒めながらも決定盤の印を押せないでいる 19世紀ロマン派の音楽はポルタメントの多用という特徴を有する ブラームスとワーグナーはその奏法を多用した最右翼にいる作曲家だ これをピリオド楽器奏法で奏すと音響の増幅へ至る 重量感のある巨大な響きを生成する ガーデイナーとORRがブラームス交響曲は「歌」を基盤として成り立つ音楽だと関連作曲家の「歌」を含めてディスクに織り込んで示しているが 時にその奏でる響きを五月蝿いと感じさせてしまうことも事実だ だが この第4交響曲はバロック音楽への傾倒を示した分 ポルタメントは少なく音の濁りを回避して見事な仕上がりとなった 第1から第3交響曲までも同様だが 清冽で鮮烈な音が滔滔と流れくる様は爽快そのもの 清らかな奔流に身を晒して見えてくるものがある それはブラームスが抱き続けた夢と熱情か 己の心の形か知らん 衷心より一聴をお勧めする また交響曲のみのアルバムできればBlu-ray Audioでの発売を望む

風信子 さん | 茨城県 | 不明


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