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Psycho さんのレビュー一覧 




  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    This 4-hour title includes 18 matches from 11 events held from 1992-1997. The stars who appear are not limited to those from JWP, but also from AJW (全日本女子プロレス). Manami Toyota, Aja Kong, Kyoko Inoue, Takako Inoue, Chigusa Nagayo, Devil Masami, etc., wrestled Dynamite Kansai, Cuty Suzuki, Mayumi Ozaki, Candy Okutsu, etc. It’s worth noting that LLPW’s Shinobu Kandori and the late Plum Mariko (R.I.P.) are also featured. It’s a collectible DVD for joshi puroresu fans.



  • 0人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    Based on true events, this crime story is rather shocking. Women are raped and murdered and the village police is joined by a detective from the capital city Seoul. The difference of investigative methods and style of the 2 characters are well displayed. There is no explosion and no car chase but great suspense. It’s a rather straight forward good versus evil movie but it will keep the audience watching every minute of it looking forward to close the case. Too bad the movie is not pure fiction.


