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Risu442 さんのレビュー一覧 




  • 6人の方が、このレビューに「共感」しています。

    I am one of those lucky ones, who even preordered this at 13th March, get delayed and we didn’t even get a satisfying answer for why. We preordered this months ago, and just some days before the shipping time we get informed that we won’t get it (maybe never? The email is strongly dim about this). What is really unfair. First, how they choosed who will get their copies and whos not? Second, how they didn’t know for a preordered items, that how many copy they’ll need? And third:at the same time they selling it in Japan but we are delayed.
    And of course, with this, us, who’ll (maybe) get a second printed copy have automatically lost the chance to get an autographed photocard. It’s so dissapointing, and we won’t even get any compensations. I would waited for more professional work from a japanese group. Now it seems meaningless that I preordered so early and even keep the money on my card (what will be changed in august so maybe i won’t even have a chance to get that second copy either because they don’t let change card informatioms after the orders.) Deeply dissapointing.


