
CD Never Say Never

Never Say Never

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  • ★★★★★ 

    ☆MI  |  東京都  |  不明  |  20/June/2003

    「Have You Ever」は本当すばらしい。何年かぶりに久し振りに聞いたけどまたはまっちゃいそう。

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  • ★★★★★ 

    Joyce  |  Osaka  |  不明  |  16/May/2002

    This album has slow songs also. I have a lot of memories (good and bad) in this album, espeially in ”Tomorrow.” I was going through the biggest heart broken thing ever and this song descrived it so well.

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  • ★★★★★ 

    brandy  |  埼玉  |  不明  |  13/January/2001

    brandyサイコー!!特に3曲目と5曲目がGOOD!!買って損なしっ!!これ 聞いてbrandyのトリコですっ!!

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