
CD Single Japanese Girl

Japanese Girl

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  • šš™™™ 

    ‚ ‚έ  |  ι‹ΚŒ§  |  •s–Ύ  |  20/July/2005


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    yu-ai  |  _“ήμŒ§  |  •s–Ύ  |  06/June/2005

    ±ΐΌ‚ΜŽv‚’ž‚έ‚©‚Θ‚Ÿ??‰½‚©€—mŠy‚η‚΅‚‘‚Α‚Δ‚©GWEN STEFANI‚ΙŽ—‚Δ‚ι‹C‚ͺ‚·‚ι‚£ω­‚Ÿ‚ρ‚ά‚θ‚±‚£‚γ‚£”α•]‚μ‚΅‚½‚­‚Θ‚‘ΉΔή‚³‚Ÿω―‚α‚Α‚ΟˆΣŽ―‚΅‚Δ‚ρ‚Μ‚©‚Θ‚Ÿ??Μ‚Μ•ϋ‚ͺHitomi‚η‚΅‚­‚Δ€—Η‚©‚Α‚½‚Θ‚Ÿω€

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  • šš™™™ 

    ™  |  ™  |  •s–Ύ  |  04/June/2005

    Gwen StefaniˆΣŽ―‚΅‚Δ‚ι‚ρ•ͺ‚©‚ι‚ν‚ŸBuHarajuku Girlsv‚Α‚Ϋ‚­‚āEEEB

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    ΆήΌή  |  ˆ€’mŒ§  |  •s–Ύ  |  23/April/2005


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    •‘   |  •ΊŒΙŒ§  |  •s–Ύ  |  21/April/2005

    V‹Θo‚·‚ρ‚β!!‚Ε‚ΰ‚»‚κˆΘ‘O‚Ι‚P‚OŽό”N‹L”OƒxƒXƒg‚͏o‚·Ž––³‚­I‚ν‚Α‚½‚Α‚Ϋ‚’‚Μ‚ͺŽc”O...B‘”No‚΅‚Δ‚ΰ‚P‚PŽό”N–Ϊ‚β‚΅B‚Ή‚Α‚©‚­ƒlƒbƒg‚Ε“Š•[‚΅‚½‚Μ‚Ι‚Θ‚ŸB‚Θ‚ρ‚©Ε‹ί‚Μhitomi ‚Ν’†“r”Ό’[‚ΘŠ΄‚Ά‚ΕŽc”O‚Ε‚·B‚΅‚©‚ΰV‹Θ’l’i‚‚·‚¬!!‰΄’j‚β‚©‚ηƒlƒCƒ‹ƒ`ƒbƒv‚’‚η‚ρ‚΅‚Θ‚Ÿ...B

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