CD Import

Symphony No.3, Symphonic Dances, The Rock, Vocalise, etc : Paavo Jarvi / Paris Orchestra (2CD)

Rachmaninov, Sergei (1873-1943)

User Review :4.5

Item Details

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Product Description

In a concert, it's physical, Paavo Jrvi, Music Director of the Orchestre de Paris, told the French magazine Classica, The sound, the orchestra, the conductor, the audience... Those of us on stage - orchestra and conductor - become actors. That theatrical thrill is captured in this 2-CD set of live recordings of works by Rachmaninoff, made in 2011 and 2013 at the Salle Pleyel, the Orchestre de Paris's home until it's move in early 2015 to the French capital's new Philharmonie. To mark the inauguration of the spectacular new hall, Erato released an album of Jrvi and the Orchestre de Paris in works by Henri Dutilleux, who died in 2013 (CD: 0825646242443). The French magazine Tlrama described the recorded performance as magnificent in it's cohesion and sonic elegance. This set follows another Erato disc of Russian music conducted by Jrvi; released in the spring, it was a program of Shostakovich cantatas performed by the Estonian Concert Choir and Estonian National Symphony Orchestra. There was some controversy in the Baltic state, with it's painful memories of the Soviet era, over the performance of works with a Stalinist agenda. By contrast, Rachmaninoff's haunting Symphony No 3, written in 1936, is the work of a composer in exile (he had settled in Switzerland) and is filled with nostalgia for Russia. A subtler, more restrained work than the expansive Symphony No 2 - which was written nearly three decades earlier while Rachmaninoff was still living in his homeland - it comprises just three movements. It also ushers in the starker style of the composer's late works, typified by Rachmaninoff's final composition, the haunting Symphonic Dances, written in America in 1940. On these CDs, these two major works from the final decade of Rachmaninoff's live are complemented by two pieces from the 1890s, the Caprice Bohmien and the symphonic poem Le Rocher, and by the celebrated Vocalise, originally conceived in 1915 for voice and piano and later arranged for orchestra by the composer. Paavo Jrvi, one of Gramophone's nominees for Artist of the Year 2015, holds positions with three other orchestras, makes guest appearances with the world's leading ensembles, and becomes Chief Conductor of Japan's NHK Symphony Orchestra from the 2015/16 season. He feels, though, that the Orchestre de Paris has a very distinctive personality: I've tried to analyse the reason why the woodwind, in particular, succeed in obtaining a color that is simultaneously rich and transparent, he says, and I think this comes from the personality of each player. In other countries, the musicians are obsessed with producing a homogeneous sound. Here, they play together, of course, but, when it comes down to it, they also see themselves as soloists: that is the big difference.

Track List   

Disc   1

  • 01. Rachmaninov: Symphony No. 3, Op. 44: I. Lento - Allegro moderato - Allegro [17:09]
  • 02. II. Adagio ma non troppo - Allegro vivace [12:33]
  • 03. III. Allegro - Allegro vivace - Allegro (Tempo primo) - Allegretto - Allegro vivace [13:19]
  • 04. Caprice bohemien, Op. 12 [17:17]

Disc   2

  • 01. Symphonic Dances, Op. 45: I. Non allegro [11:27]
  • 02. II. Andante. Tempo di Valse [10:42]
  • 03. III. Lento assai - Allegro vivace [13:51]
  • 04. The Rock, Op. 7 [13:32]
  • 05. Vocalise, Op. 34-14 (Orchestral version) [07:07]

Customer Reviews

Comprehensive Evaluation




投稿日:2016/09/28 (水)

紡錘形の珠玉が連なり稀に見る美しいラフマニノフが生まれた 紡錘形の喩えは発声発音に当てている 現代では失われたと云ってもいい演奏法だ P.ヤルヴィはパリO.奏者の内奥に眠りあるいは息づく感性を引き出しあるいは目覚めさせた 勢いラフマニノフの歌心が開かれおおらかな情趣があふれ出た 情に溺れないのは言うまでもない クランドオーケストラの機能をひけらかすがごとき意識を捨ててこそラフマニノフの美点は翼を広げることをP.ヤルヴィは承知している 作品44と45はラフマニノフの最高傑作だが これほど身近から親密な口調で語りかけられた演奏に出会ったことがない ラフマニノフとの対話を愉しもうではないか 衷心より最高の推薦をする 

風信子 さん | 茨城県 | 不明


投稿日:2016/03/10 (木)

個人的にはラフマニノフの交響曲では第3番が好みだ。第2番はどうも冗長に感じてしまう。 このディスクに収録されている交響曲第3番はパーヴォらしく筋肉質でダイナミックな演奏で、最初から最後まで一気に聴かせる。シンシナティとの第2番同様、ラフマニノフの演奏でとかくありがちな甘ったるい表現とは無縁だ。 しかし、このアルバムで聴きものなのは、2枚組のディスクの2枚目の交響的舞曲と幻想曲 岩 である。表現としては交響曲と同様なのだが、音が全く異なるのである。この2枚組のアルバムは、1枚目と2枚目では録音チームが異なる。 1枚目の録音は残念ながら、ボヤッとしてダイナミックレンジも不足気味だ。これに対して、2枚目は冒頭から広いダイナミックレンジと鮮明な音質に圧倒され、聴きごたえ十分の録音に仕上がっている。交響的舞曲の録音ではリファレンスレコーコーディングスのキース・ジョンソンがエンジニアを務めたハイレゾの大植/ミネソタには及ばないがCDとしては最上の部類だろう。 このように、2枚組のアルバムとしては統一感がないの欠点だが、パーヴォのラフマニノフを楽しめるアルバムとしての価値は十分にあると思う。

mash21 さん | 東京都 | 不明


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