SACD Import

Symphony No.13 : C.Lindberg / Norrkoping Symphony Orchestra (Hybrid)

Pettersson, Gustav Allan (1911-1980)

User Review :5.0

Item Details

Catalogue Number
Number of Discs
Hybrid Disc,Import

Product Description

Beginning his first (never completed) symphony in 1951 and working on his 17th when he died in 1980, Allan Pettersson during three decades concerned himself almost exclusively with the symphonic genre and this at a time when many composers considered the symphony (and indeed the symphony orchestra) to be hopelessly old-fashioned. Pettersson, however, was deeply committed to the genre, something which in Sweden during the early 1960s was so unusual that he was called the last symphonist. He completed his Symphony No.13 in August 1976, as a commission by the Bergen Festival for it's 25th anniversary the following year. The complexity and large scale of the work was such that the first performance was postponed for another year, however and in fact the work had never been performed in Sweden until Christian Lindberg and the Norrkping Symphony Orchestra played it in concert in 2014. As the majority of Pettersson's symphonies it is in one movement, harboring the great contrasts between an atonal and a traditional, tonal idiom that characterize the composer's musical language. A noteworthy feature in the present work is the presence of many brief allusions to other composers, from Beethoven (with the theme to the Fifth Symphony) to D-S-C-H, the musical cryptogram of Shostakovich's name. Over the course of four previous discs, Christian Lindberg and the Norrkping Symphony Orchestra have demonstrated a true affinity with Pettersson's music, an affinity that deepens with each new recording.

Track List   

  • 01. Beginning
  • 02. 5 Bars After Fig. 15
  • 03. 3 Bars After Fig. 35
  • 04. 5 Bars After Fig. 70 (Tempo I)
  • 05. 3 Bars Before Fig. 87
  • 06. 4 Bars Before Fig. 99
  • 07. 5 Bars After Fig. 128
  • 08. 4 Bars After Fig. 152
  • 09. 3 Bars After Fig. 165 (Tempo I)
  • 10. 4 Bars After Fig. 169
  • 11. 5 Bars After Fig. 174
  • 12. 4 Bars After Fig. 194

Customer Reviews

Comprehensive Evaluation



これは見事! この名曲の決定的名演奏と言...

投稿日:2016/03/02 (水)

これは見事! この名曲の決定的名演奏と言ってよいのではないでしょうか。先にリリースされた第16番も優れた演奏でしたが、これはそれ以上の名演奏です。このコンビのペッテションのうち、第9や第6などは、先行するcpoの全集盤の演奏の影響がどことなく感じられる点、やや不満でもあったのですが、先の第16番や今回の第13番に至って、リンドベルイはようやく自身の揺るぎない解釈を演奏に反映できたのでは、とも思えます。第9も第13も長大なのには変わりありませんが、その質は全く異なります。長い逃走の末、諦めの歌が静かに流れる第9と異なり、第13は螺旋階段を67分にわたりかけ上り続けるような曲想であり、最後は盛大なフィナーレで終わります。だからこそ、この曲の演奏にはぎくしゃくしたところがあってはいけません。何より一貫した大きな奔流のようなものが求められます。この曲を、リンドベルイは実にふわっと演奏しています。余分な力が入っていません。それでいて実に大きな音楽のうねりが感じられます。だからこそ、一気に聞きとおせるし、ある意味第9を突き抜けたところに存在する、この曲の真の凄みがわかる演奏ではないでしょうか。今までフランシスのやや硬い演奏(cpo)でしか聴けなかっただけに、この演奏の存在価値は本当に大きいものがあります。

Papachan さん | 北海道 | 不明


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