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John Zorn

John Zorn  Artist TOP All Items

The one word virtually everyone can agree on in any discussion of the work of composer John Zorn is prolific in the strictest sense of the definition. Though he didn’t begin making records until ..more


Andrew Hill

Andrew Hill  Artist TOP All Items

Andrew Hill was a great and even groundbreaking composer and pianist, yet the relatively circumscribed scale of his innovations might have originally caused him to get lost in the shuffle of the ’6 ..more


Mal Waldron

Mal Waldron  Artist TOP All Items

A pianist with a brooding, rhythmic, introverted style, Mal Waldron’s playing has long been flexible enough to fit into both hard bop and freer settings. Influenced by Thelonious Monk’s use of s ..more


Brian Bromberg

Brian Bromberg  Artist TOP All Items

A very versatile acoustic and electric bassist capable of playing straight-ahead jazz, funk, and fusion, Brian Bromberg is also one of the few bassists to master the tapping technique made ..more


Jimmy Mcgriff

Jimmy Mcgriff  Artist TOP All Items

One of the all-time giants of the Hammond B-3, Jimmy McGriff sometimes gets lost amid all the great soul-jazz organists from his hometown of Philadelphia. He was almost certainly the bluesiest o ..more


Larry Carlton

Larry Carlton  Artist TOP All Items

Best known for his signature Gibson 335 guitar and his supreme technique, Larry Carlton sees no drawing a line between genres. He draws on his varied musical roots including jazz, rock, country, and n ..more


Kenny Drew

Kenny Drew  Artist TOP All Items

A talented bop-based pianist (whose son has been one of the brightest pianists of the 1990s), Kenny Drew was somewhat underrated due to his decision to permanently move to Copenhagen in 1964. He ..more


Cecil Taylor

Cecil Taylor  Artist TOP All Items

Soon after he first emerged in the mid-’50s, pianist Cecil Taylor was the most advanced improviser in jazz; five decades later he is still the most radical. Although in his early days he used ..more


Steve Kuhn

Steve Kuhn  Artist TOP All Items

Steve Kuhn has had an interesting career. A talented jazz pianist, he has worked in many types of settings through the years. He began classical piano lessons when he was five, studied with { ..more


Maria Schneider

Maria Schneider  Artist TOP All Items

Maria Schneider is widely thought of as a potentially great arranger who is following in the footsteps of Gil Evans (her main inspiration), George Russell, and Bob Brookmeyer. After extens ..more


Ron Carter

Ron Carter  Artist TOP All Items

The epitome of class and elegance, though not stuffy, Ron Carter has been a world class bassist and cellist since the ’60s. He’s among the greatest accompanists of all time, but has also done many ..more


Yamashita Yosuke

Yamashita Yosuke  Artist TOP All Items

Yamashita studied piano as a child and has played professionally since the age of 17. He attended Kunitachi College of Music in Tokyo from 1962-1967 and played for a time with saxophonist Sadao W ..more


Kenny Wheeler

Kenny Wheeler  Artist TOP All Items

Jazz trumpeter and flugelhornist Kenny Wheeler was one of the most advanced voices on his instrument. Blessed with a full, lovely tone and an astounding range, Wheeler sounded equally at home in ..more


