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Slapp Happy

Slapp Happy  Artist TOP All Items

Avant-pop cult favorites Slapp Happy formed in Hamburg, Germany in 1972; there vocalist Dagmar Krause, a veteran of the folk group the City Preachers, first met British experimental composer ..more



Slade  Artist TOP All Items

Slade may have never truly caught on with global audiences (often narrow-mindedly deemed too British-sounding), but the group became a sensation in their homeland with their anthemic brand of {\g ..more



Supertramp  Artist TOP All Items

Supertramp followed an unusual path to commercial success in the 1970s, fusing the stylistic ambition and instrumental dexterity of progressive rock with the wit and tuneful melodies of British pop ..more


Soft Machine

Soft Machine  Artist TOP All Items

Soft Machine were never a commercial enterprise and indeed still remain unknown even to many listeners who came of age during the late ’60s and early ’70s, when the group was at its peak. In their ..more


