TOP > Music CD・DVD > Rock & Pop > Cosmic Ballroom > ロックンロール中毒 -コズミック ボールルーム参上 Rock'n Roll Overdose

Cosmic Ballroom

CD ロックンロール中毒 -コズミック ボールルーム参上 Rock'n Roll Overdose

ロックンロール中毒 -コズミック ボールルーム参上 Rock'n Roll Overdose

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  • ★★★★★ 

    NOBU  |  JAPAN  |  不明  |  16/August/2005


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  • ★★★★★ 

    Tom  |  NYC  |  不明  |  25/April/2001

    This the best Swedish rock nエroll album Iエve ever heard! Go buy it now!!!!

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  • ★★★★★ 

    Knott  |  Stockholm  |  不明  |  23/April/2001

    I´ve seen these guys performed live a couple of times and they are f***ing brilliant, and the album is already a classical rock´n roll album.

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  • ★★★★★ 

    Sonny  |  Hong Kong  |  不明  |  23/April/2001

    I really like this album.. good songs,nice arr, and a great production!!

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  • ★★★★★ 

    Beamer  |  Tokyo  |  不明  |  04/April/2001

    This is a damn good album and I strongly recomend everyone to buy it!!!!!!

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