
CD Koi Ga Oi Desu Bai

Koi Ga Oi Desu Bai

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  • ššššš 

    ƒiƒIƒLƒ“ƒO  |  ɪ  |  •s–¾  |  07/August/2007

    o‰ï‚¢‚̓}ƒWƒ„ƒx[‚Á‚Ä‚­‚ç‚¢ƒCƒCI ‰½“x‚à‰½“x‚àƒŠƒs[ƒg‚µ‚Ä•·‚«‚Ü‚­‚Á‚Ä‚éiOOj ¡“x”MŠC‚É—ˆ‚Ä‚­‚ê‚é‚ñ‚ÅA•—ˆê‘°‚ÌŽ©•ª‚¾‚¯‚ÇA‹ãB’j ‚àƒƒbƒ`ƒƒŠy‚µ‚݃bƒXI ‰´‚Ɣޗ‚Ìoˆ§‚Á‚½ Žv‚¢o‚µ‚ăXƒQ[‚Í‚Ü‚Á‚Ä‚Ü‚·B

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  • ššššš 

    HiGo  |  ‰Î‚Ì‘ŒF–{  |  •s–¾  |  17/July/2007

    ‚ß‚Á‚¿‚á—Ç‚¢‹È(^ƒÖ^) ‘S•”D‚«ô ‹ãB’j‚³‚ñ‚̺‚É‚â‚ç‚ê‚Ü‚µ‚½I ‰ÌŽŒ‚à‚©‚È‚è‚¢‚¯‚Ä‚éô ƒŒƒQƒGÅ‚I ‹ãB’j‚à‚Á‚ÆÅ‚IIIII

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  • ššššš 

    ‚µ‚á‚©  |  ɪ  |  •s–¾  |  04/July/2007

    ƒ‰ƒWƒI‚©‚ç•·‚±‚¦‚Ä‚«‚½º ¡‚Å‚àŽ¨‚ÉŽc‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚Ü‚·B Å‚‚̈ꌾB ‰Ä‚Í‚±‚ê‚Å‚«‚Ü‚è‚Å‚·‚ÈB ‚â‚Á‚Ï‚èƒWƒƒƒpƒŒƒQ‘åD‚«‚âIIII‚Ý‚ñ‚È‚ª‚ñ‚ª‚ñ•·‚±‚¤‚È‚„(LƒÖM¡)¸Þ¯@«ƒ–

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  • ššššš 

    cinammon  |  ŽO’ƒ  |  •s–¾  |  30/June/2007


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  • ššššš 

    ÎÞÝÀÞ¯Á  |  •s–¾  |  19/June/2007

    ‚â‚Á‚΂¡!!!÷ôó~ Ò¯Á¬‚¢‚¡!!*((*UÍU*ä‡)) Ú¹Þª‚Ⴏ‚ǤڹުD‚«‚À‚á‚È‚¡l‚Å‚à‘S‘R•·‚«‚â‚·‚¢‚ÆŽv‚¤ô‚Ä‚©ƒƒƒfƒB‚à‰ÌŽŒ‚àÎÝσBƒB!!(*ä‡Íƒ*))–ˆ“úØËß°Ä‚µ‚Ä•·‚¢‚Ä‚Ä‚à‚ ‚«‚Ђñ!!(*†ä‡…*)

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  • ššššš 

    ™ƒ}ƒCƒ~ƒN™‚Ò‚ã‚£‚¿‚áƒÖ  |  ‘åã  |  •s–¾  |  04/June/2007

    ‚à‚§‚§‚§‚§[‚ß‚Á‚¿‚áƒB‚¡™ º‚à‰ÌŽŒ‚àƒƒƒo‚¡II ‹ãB’j‚»‚ÌŽÒ‚ªD‚«III ‹ãB’jRespect!!!!!!!!!!!!

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  • ššššš 

    ‚’‚’‚‹‚‹  |  “Œ‹ž  |  •s–¾  |  02/June/2007

    ‚‚¢Œû‚¸‚³‚ñ‚¶‚ႤI‚‚¢ƒŠƒs[ƒg‚µ‚¿‚ႤI‚ÅA‚Ç‚ñ‚Ç‚ñƒnƒ}‚Á‚¿‚ႤŠ´‚¶‚Å‚·B ƒŒƒQƒG‚Á‚Ä‚¢‚¤ƒWƒƒƒ“ƒ‹‚Å‚­‚­‚é‚É‚Í‚à‚Á‚½‚¢‚È‚¢‚­‚ç‚¢‚ÌË”\EŠ´«‚ðŠ´‚¶‚Ü‚·B ‚Æ‚è‚ ‚¦‚¸uo‰ï‚¢vÅ‚I

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  • ššššš 

    takazy  |  nagasaki  |  •s–¾  |  30/May/2007


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