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  • ★★★★★ 

    GG  |  USA  |  不明  |  02/July/2003

    If you like your music loud, fast and sexy, Chisato’s 3 new songs should please you. The lyrics may not be sensitive and poetic, but the music is melodic hard rock that makes you want to dance, shake it, and, frankly, get it on.Not as much dazzling guitar work as he exhibits with Penicillin, but all three songs have earned permanent positions on my frequent-play list. Can’t wait for the next maxi-single!

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  • ★★★★☆ 

    aki  |  埼玉  |  不明  |  17/June/2003

    久々の千聖くんソロでのプロジェクト作品!!かなり聞き応えある、サウンドです!!ぜひ、まだ聞いてない方は聴いてみて下さい!!お勧めです☆ 次作への期待を込めて、8点!!

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