Elly (¡ˆäŠG—Žq)

CD Single Collection -Stairway-

Single Collection -Stairway-

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  • ššššš 

    Eirko FanZ  |  Singapore  |  •s–¾  |  03/April/2005

    I LOVE Stairway!!! Very NICE!!! It is great to have an collection cd of hits like luv is, magic identity, in the name of love, our relation n many more! Such great album everyone should get one!!! i already bought it.. i like is alot..ERIKO Ganbatte!

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  • ššššš 

    ‘f“Gù‘ùŸ  |  ɪŒ§  |  •s–¾  |  12/December/2004


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    ƒŒƒIƒ“  |  ƒVƒJƒS  |  •s–¾  |  09/December/2004

    ‚È‚ñ‚©‚ËA‰ù‚©‚µ‚¢IIu—₽‚­‚µ‚È‚¢‚ÅvAuLuv is Magicv‚Æ‚©A‚à‚¤‚SC‚T”N‘O‚Ì‹È‚Å‚·‚ËB‚±‚ê‚̓}ƒW‚ÅÅ‚IƒxƒXƒgCollection‚Ý‚½‚¢`™

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  • ššššš 

    elly  |  singapore  |  •s–¾  |  04/December/2004

    ’´‚¦‚Ästairway‚ªD‚«‚ÅAK‚¹‚ÈŠ´‚¶‚ª‚ ‚é!Šæ’£‚Á‚ÄŠG—‚¿‚á‚ñ!!Ž„‚Í‚«‚Á‚Æ‚ ‚È‚½‚ðŽxŽ‚·‚é!

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  • ššššš 

    eri_fanz  |  Singapore  |  •s–¾  |  25/November/2004

    Great Job eri!! Finally ur single collection is out! This is a worth collection for all eri fanz! Juz heard a preview of stairway and i like it alot... itfs a special feeling... Strongly recommend to all of u! F)

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  • ššššš 

    ¬ŒN  |  ‘ä˜p  |  •s–¾  |  24/November/2004

    h Stairway’´‚¢‚¢‹ÈIIIh ‰i‰“‚ÉŠG—‚¿‚á‚ñ‚ðŽxŽ‚·‚é!!~~~ I like

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    speederiko  |  ‘ä˜p  |  •s–¾  |  20/November/2004


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    ˆŸŽq  |  é‹Ê  |  •s–¾  |  20/November/2004


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  • ššššš 

    rebellegoh@yahoo.com.sg  |  Singapore  |  •s–¾  |  18/October/2004

    Finally erichan BEST album is going to be out soon! This best album is a compilation of all her best singles and some new songs! Cant wait to buy this album now! Itfs a MUST for erichan fans i guess! F) Good job eri! We are all waiting for u~!!

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  • ššššš 

    ƒCƒm  |  “Œ‹ž  |  •s–¾  |  18/September/2004

    DVD‚ª•t‚­‚Ì‚Å‚»‚ꂪŠy‚µ‚Ý‚Å‚·BƒVƒ“ƒOƒ‹‹ÈˆÈŠO‚Ì‘I‹È‚ª‹C‚É‚È‚è‚Ü‚·BuStairwayvˆÈŠO‚É‚àu’©v‚È‚Ç‚Ì–¢”­•\‹È‚ª‘½‚­“ü‚Á‚Ä‚é‚Æ‚¢‚¢‚ÈBSonic Groove‚³‚ñ‚¨Šè‚¢‚µ‚Ü‚·B‚ ‚ƃ^ƒCƒgƒ‹‚ÌBest‚͉¼‚Å‚·‚æ‚ËH

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    ‚«‚è‚¿‚á‚ñ  |  “Œ‹ž  |  •s–¾  |  17/September/2004

    Šð‚µ‚¢‚¡_iO‚OOj^–¢Žû˜^‹È‚Éu’©v“ü‚ê‚Ä—~‚µ‚¢‚È‚Ÿ`‚ ‚ƃAƒR[ƒVƒeƒBƒbƒNƒ‰ƒCƒus‚¯‚È‚©‚Á‚½‚©‚ç‚»‚Ì‚Æ‚«‚Ì–¢”­•\‹È‚à™ƒIƒtƒVƒ‡ƒbƒg‚͉½‚©‚ÈH‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢ŠG—‚¿‚á‚ñŒ©‚½‚¢‚È‚Ÿ`‚Æ‚É‚©‚­‚±‚ê’®‚¢‚ÄŒ©‚ÄŠG—‚¿‚á‚ñ‚ª–ß‚Á‚Ä‚­‚é‚Ü‚Å‘Ò‚Á‚Ä‚Ü‚·I

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    kazu  |  Šò•ŒŒ§  |  •s–¾  |  15/September/2004


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    MF  |  •xŽR  |  •s–¾  |  15/September/2004


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    eri  |  China  |  •s–¾  |  13/September/2004

    Šú‘҂ȃxƒXƒg‚Å‚·‚©‚çAâ‘Δƒ‚¤‚æ`‰‰ñ‚à•’Ê‚àA‚Ç‚Á‚¿‚àâ‘Δƒ‚¤‚æIII Šæ’£‚Á‚ÄŠG—‚¿‚á‚ñII‚g‚j•’†‘‚É—ˆ‚Ä‚Ë`````‚¢‚Á‚Ï‚¢‰ž‰‡‚ ‚°‚él‚ª‚¢‚é‚åIII

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    KT  |  _“Þì  |  •s–¾  |  11/September/2004

    ‰‚̃xƒXƒg‚Å‚·‚©BŠú‘Ò‚Å‚·‚ËBSPEEDŽž‘ã‚Ì2‹È{ƒVƒ“ƒOƒ‹8‹È‚Å10‹ÈA–¢”­•\‹È‚É‚ ‚ÆC.W‹È‚à“ü‚ê‚Ä‚Ù‚µ‚¢‚Å‚·‚ËB

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