TOP > Movie DVD・BD > Japanese TV > Shusen 60 Nen Special Drama::Hotaru No Haka

DVD Shusen 60 Nen Special Drama::Hotaru No Haka

Shusen 60 Nen Special Drama::Hotaru No Haka

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  • ★★★★★ 

    vaquito  |  NJ  |  不明  |  07/October/2007

    An important movie to be watched by anyone. too often movies involving war glorify it or place a bias on who is right or wrong. This movie, while focusing on civilian japanese portrays the horrible effects of war on everyday people without actually casting any blame or bias. you forget that nationality or culture seperate human beings while watching this and can genuinely feel for the characters and their sad circumstances and see why war between any nations and any people really is a horrible horrible th

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