CD Import

Urban Dreamings: U.krieger(Sax)Scherer / Ensemble Experimente Etc

Ulrich Krieger

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Product Description

Ulrich Krieger (born 1962 in Freiburg) is a German contemporary composer, performer, improviser and experimental rock musician based in Los Angeles. Krieger's artistic work spans a broad field from contemporary classical composition and free improvisation to experimental fusion with electronic music, rock, metal and noise. His special interest lies in the exploration of the physical fringes between acoustic and electronic produced sounds. In his music and with his instrument, the saxophone, he developed an original style of playing he calls acoustic electronics. Acoustic electronics is about using sounds that appear to be electronic but are actually produced on acoustic instruments. His probably best known experimental project with acoustic electronics is the transcription of Lou Reed's guitar feedback opus Metal Machine Music, which he rearranged for chamber orchestra. Composers: Ulrich Krieger Performers: Eric Drescher, bass flute; Christian Vogel, bass clarinet; Ulrich Krieger, tenor saxophone; Ulrich Krieger, electronics; California E.A.R. Unit; Erika Duke-Kirkpatrick, cello; Vicki Ray, piano; Amy Knoles, percussion; Sonic Boom; Alex Srameck, contrabass clarinet; Chris Kallmyer, trumpet; Luke Storm, tuba; Robert Allaire, accordion; Ami Tamura, inside piano; Lydia Martin, percussion; Aniela Marie Perry, cello; Jake Rosenzweig, bass; Johannes Uhle, organ; Ulrich Krieger, sopranino saxophone; Ensemble Experimente; Dimitri Jurowski, cello; Maria Lobanowa, flute; Johanna Sponholz, recorder; Nikolaj Abramson, clarinet; Jonas Pieper, saxophone; Stephan Bienwald, electric guitar; Julia Schrder, harp; Alezander Schubert, accordion; Vinzenz Weienburger, piano; Friedemann Werzlau, percussion; Moritz Colitti, violin; Antje Wunderlich, violin; Arthur Hornig, cello; Felix Eugen Thiemann, cello; Gerhard Scherer, Conductor

Track List   

  • 01. Sternenjger 1, for Bass Flute, Bass Clarinet, Tenor Saxophone, Electronics 12:11
  • 02. Before Quake, for Cello, Piano, Percussion 5:41
  • 03. Il Cimitero Chiuso, for Amplified Chamber Ensemble 7:23
  • 04. V., for Church Organ with Mechanical Registers 21:08
  • 05. ... As Above, So Below... , for 14 Sopranino Saxophones 9:57
  • 06. Azrael 2, for Solo Cello, Chamber Ensemble, Electronics 15:04

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