CD Import

Thousand Men Strong

Tokyo Blade

User Review :4.5

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Product Description

The Blade is back! Once being one of the leading bands of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal, Tokyo Blade present a fabulous new album entitled Thousand Men Strong showing them at their best and reviving the glory of yesteryears. Exactly thirty years ago guitarist Andy Boulton founded the band together with Alan Marsh (vocals), Ray Dismore (guitar), Andy Robbins (bass) and Steve Pierce (drums) in Salisbury. At first, they called themselves Killer, then Genghis Khan before they took on the band name Tokyo Blade for good in 1983. At the end of 1983, they released their self-titled debut album, albeit without guitarist Ray Dismore but with the new addition John Wiggins. The following EP Midnight Rendezvous featured i. a. The song If Heaven Is Hell representing the band's first musical climax. Night Of The Blade - released in 1984 - is a milestone of the New Wave Of British Heavy Metal which should not be missing in any record collection. Lighting Strikes or Rock Me To The Limit are another two hits from the album which brought Tokyo Blade the international big break. Due to internal differences the band broke up and the band members turned to various other projects. However, Andy Boulton did not give up. In 1990 he returned to the front line together with the original singer Alan Marsh. Together with John Wiggins and the new additions Colin Riggs (bass) and Mark Angel (drums) they released the comeback album Burning Down Paradise in 1995 being their original self again. Now, a full of 16 years has gone by since Burning Down Paradise. The band members retired into private life and Tokyo Blade were history. However, the condemned live longer, and it was again Andy Boulton who reactivated his former companions in 2009 due to the ongoing interest in the band. The race for the position of the vocalist was won by the German prodigy Nicolaj Ruhnow who also takes an active part in the Melodic Metal band Domain and his own band Nick Hellfort. The line-up of 2011 is as follows: Andy Boulton (guitar), Andy Wrighton (bass), John Wiggins (guitar), Steve Pierce (drums) and Nicolaj Ruhnow (vocals). The new album Thousand Men Strong is going to thrill the fans from the early days as well as younger people who are into excellent British Heavy Metal. In summer, Tokyo Blade will perform at some of the most important European festivals and, thus, give proof of the fact that they are back. There is no old fool like a Metal fool. New Wave Of British Heavy Metal is as strong as never before - ... like thousand men strong!

Track List   

  • 01. Black Abyss
  • 02. Thousand Men Strong
  • 03. Lunch-Case
  • 04. Forged In Hell's Fire
  • 05. No Conclusion
  • 06. The Ambush
  • 07. Killing Down The Road
  • 08. Heading Down The Road
  • 09. Condemned To Fire
  • 10. Night Of The Blade

Customer Reviews

Comprehensive Evaluation




投稿日:2012/03/20 (火)

アルバム全編を良質なヘヴィメタルサウンドが突き抜けている。細かいジャンル分け無用の本質的なHMの音です。個人的にはRIOTの”Thundersteel”と共通する音に感じた。”決め”の一曲がないのは事実だが、インナースリーブの人柄の良さそうなオジサン達の写真が象徴するように、良質のHMです。2nd”Night of The Blade”は名盤だって?知らなかったよ。中古盤で探してみよっと。

teen's heart さん | 千葉県 | 不明

ドイツ人ハイトーンシンガーを新たに加え ...

投稿日:2011/05/24 (火)

ドイツ人ハイトーンシンガーを新たに加え ヴォーカル以外オリジナルメンバーが集まって再結成された《東京刀》の13年振り新譜!! これが あの1984年に発表された名盤『NIGHT OF THE BLADE』に迫る素晴らしい内容なのだ!! プンプン臭うN.W.O.B.H.Mの空気に英国ならではの湿りもあり♪ 親爺になっていても当時さながら弾きまくりのギターも堪らない!!6分を超す凝った構成の曲も二曲あるし、NEWシンガー,ニコライのハイトーンを活かしたガツンとくるHMSONGもメチャ格好イイ!!各曲のクオリティの高さからすれば ここに来て彼らの最高傑作と言っても良いかもしれない♪(≧∇≦) 祈!初来日ツアー!!!

怪盗★鈴木花子 さん | 不明 | 不明


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