CD Import

Memories Of Vienna-waltzes, Polkas: Krips / Lso London New So Vpo

Strauss Family

User Review :4.5

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Product Description

Strauss waltzes and polkas in classic Decca 1950s recordings, led to the manner born by the Viennese conductor Josef Krips. Newly remastered from the original tapes and in the case of two works the shellac discs this compilation presents recordings made in London and Vienna by a conductor born and bred to the rhythms of the Strauss family. Josef Krips cut his teeth as a repetiteur at the Volksoper in Vienna, making his debut there in 1921, before graduating to the more prestigious Staatsoper in 1933. Mozart was forever Kripss musical god: My maxim is that everything has to sound as though it were by Mozart, or it will be a bad performance. When you perform Mozart, everything has to be crystal clear, everything has to be in balance and everything has to have a relaxed sound. These are the qualities that mark out his conducting of these waltzes and polkas, which he continued to conduct wherever his career took him: to London in the late 1940s, becoming principal conductor of the LSO for three years in the early 50s, and thence to the US, such as a late-in-life post as musical director of the Buffalo Philharmonic, returning often however, to his spiritual home of Vienna. The recordings here were made first of all with the New Symphony Orchestra of London musicians in April 1948, then with the LSO in April 1950. The legendary Decca producer John Culshaw was behind the glass at the Sofiensaal for Vienna Philharmonic sessions in October 1956 and September 1957 that yielded the Memories of Vienna LP which gives this album its title. He was joined by the soprano Hilde Gueden for the obbligato soprano parts in waltzes such as Voices of Spring; Gueden had been one of the most prominent members of the Vienna State Opera immediately after the war while Krips rebuilt and nurtured it from the ground up, and she too was blessed with an instinctive understanding of Viennese style as well as the kind of light lyric soprano voice that made her ideal for Josef Strausss Village Swallows waltz.

Customer Reviews

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投稿日:2024/01/30 (火)


robin さん | 兵庫県 | 不明


投稿日:2022/02/20 (日)

ヨーゼフ・クリップスがロンドンとウィーンのオケを振って録音したヨハン・シュトラウスです。 クリップスは日本では評論家の評判が良くなかったため、リスナーの評価もイマイチ高くなく地味な指揮者と言った感じでしたが、デッカを中心に残した録音はどれも良い演奏です。 クリップスはクラウス不在時のニューイヤー・コンサートの指揮を引き受けており、シュトラウスの演奏にもそれなりに通じていたと思いますが、そのニューイヤーで共演したウィーン・フィルハーモニー管弦楽団との録音では、ウィーンの伝統的な柔らかいサウンドと、優美なクリップスらしい美しいウィンナ・ワルツが聴けます。 2曲だけ、ヒルデ・ギューデンも参加しており、花を添えています。 ロンドンでの録音はロンドン交響楽団とは、主席指揮者時代に収録されており、これらはロンドンのオケからウィーンの響きを引き出した好演奏なのですが、面白いのは新ロンドン交響楽団(CD本体の表記は新交響楽団)との演奏です。 これはイギリス色の強いサウンドで常動曲では、トランペットの代わりにコルネットを使っているのではないでしょうか、最後はクリップスの声と共にオリジナルのメロディ(?)で終結します。 個人的にウィーンでの録音よりこのロンドンでの演奏が良かったです。 録音は大変に古いですが、デッカ録音なので年代の割に音は良いでしょう。

レインボー さん | 不明 | 不明


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