CD Import


Item Details

Catalogue Number
Number of Discs
Limited, Soundtrack,Import

Product Description

Perseverance Records teams up with Johan Sderqvist to release his score for the historical epic Amundsen. A true hero of Norway, Roald Amundsen is best-remembered for his incredible achievement of reaching the South Pole in 1911. Directed by Espen Sandberg, Amundsen stars Pl Sverre Hagen as the arctic explorer who is caught in a race to reach both the North and the South Pole and also becomes an early pioneer of flying over the Arctic scene - with tragic results... The director Espen Sandberg had a vision for the music: to create a whole new aural world for the South Pole, a place at that time as unknown to people as Mars or Jupiter, explains Johan Sderqvist. We wanted it to feel like we're arriving to a whole new world , a new universe. We recorded many different crazy things but in the end we really liked the sound of Indian native flutes being blown - or screamed into! - a new wonderful Russian electronic voice/breath processor called the Pipe. That together with heavily distorted ambiences & drums became the signature sound of the film. Johan Sderqvist is one of the busiest and most successful Scandinavian composers. He has collaborated on a regular basis with Danish director Susanne Bier for whom he scored Brothers (2004) the Oscar-nominated After the Wedding (2006), the Oscar-winning In a Better World (2010) and the romantic comedy Love Is All You Need (2012) - the latter two albums were released by MovieScore Media. His other credits include the Oscar-nominated Kon-Tiki (2014), the British/American horror The Limehouse Golem (2016) and the cult classic vampire film Let the Right One In (2008), another MSM release. His latest release with the label was The King's Choice (2016), Norway's official submission for that year's Academy Awards.

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