CD Import


Shimmer (Rock)

Item Details

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Product Description

Shimmer's Soul-Rock recalls the bygone era when pop wasn't just marketing and rock wasn't just posturing. With soulful vocals and tightly crafted, hook-laden tunes, Shimmer takes the stage in the old school tradition of bands like Zeppelin and The Rolling Stones; a band that simply gets up and lays it down. Shimmer's forceful, rockin' beats give rise to a roll your windows down sexy dance-rock romp. With nods to the likes of Soul greats Al Green and Prince and Pop icons Bowie, Costello, and Michael, at it's core Shimmer just sounds like a great beat and a guy singing his ass off. Shimmer started with singer/songwriter Skip Peri. Peri has been praised by the finicky Seattle music press as Seattle's next worldwide export. Possessing a voice that shifts effortlessly from an angry dismissal to a suggestive come-on, Peri did not spend long unsigned. Comparisons to Jeff Buckley and Prince only fueled the fire. His first album naked (2001, Exact) was a critical success, making good on his best kept secret promise. When Peri entered the studio to begin his sophomore release for Cake something changed. He picked up the electric guitar, partnering for the first time with bassist Evan Brubaker and drummer Sean Siner. A natural chemistry occurred, inspiring a writing and recording binge that led to nearly 2 albums of new material in just a few sessions. The result has spawned not only a striking independent debut album but a catalog of Shimmer songs already being covered by major label artists. Pop rockers with an eye for something modern and apart from the cheese the alternative scene is spewing forth of late should take note, as the band has carved itself into a niche where few currently dwell.' - JJ Koczan, The Aquarian 'A keen blend of soul and pop, upbeat and timeless.... You'd be hard pressed to find a better, freer, and more gratifying summer album.' - 'Shimmer's Skip Peri has got some golden pipes. Dude can sing. Think Jeff Buckley mixed with Lenny Kravitz mixed with Prince.' - Worthy Music.

  • Vinyl


    ¥2,925 US Edition Import 08 Sep 2017

Track List   

  • 01. Don't Trip on Your Way Out (3:58)
  • 02. Here I Am (3:47)
  • 03. Needle To The Vinyl (3:42)
  • 04. Sweet Love (4:17)
  • 05. Crazy But True (4:29)
  • 06. Like A Feather (3:39)
  • 07. Wicked (3:35)
  • 08. Shoulda Known (3:31)
  • 09. Violence Of Love (3:43)
  • 10. Who Loves Ya (3:31)

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