Vinyl Import

[USED:Cond.S] New Adventures In Hi-fi


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Here *The artwork is of the new items and may differ from the actual item.
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HMV record shop SHIBUYA
*The item is also sold at the HMV stores. The order will be cancelled when sold out.

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Product Description

(This HMV Review is for new items and is only for reference. Novelty will NOT be available for used items despite mentioned bellow.)

Rolling Stone (1/23/97, p.44) - Ranked #4 on Rolling Stone's list of the "Ten Best Albums" of 1996.
Spin (1/97, p.59) - Ranked #11 on Spin's list of the "20 Best Albums of '96."
Village Voice (2/25/97) - Ranked #11 in the Village Voice's 1996 Pazz & Jop Critics' Poll.
New Musical Express (12/21-28/96, pp.66-67) - Ranked #16 in NME's 1996 critics' poll.
Entertainment Weekly (12/27/96-1/3/97, p.146) - Ranked #4 on Entertainment Weekly's list of the "Top 10 Albums And Singles Of 1996."
Rolling Stone (9/19/96, pp.79-80) - 4.5 Stars (out of 5) - "...R.E.M.'s most ambitious album to date....there's a sense of spontaneity here that's rarely been heard on an R.E.M. record....a sense of ambition and liberation that R.E.M. haven't displayed since 1985's FABLES OF THE RECONSTRUCTION..."
Spin (10/96, pp.129-131) - 6 (out of 10) - "...While the tunes seem banged out, as if the band forced itself to keep having a jammin' good time despite the aneurysms and whatnot, the arrangements are thoroughly tarted up, often by various sidemen. This is a mixed blessing, as NEW ADVENTURES pays greater attention to hip sounds than to happening songs..."
The New York Times (9/11/96, p.C13) - "...a beautiful hodgepodge....Some songs look back at phases of R.E.M.'s career while others suggest new directions....R.E.M. spends half this album experimenting, turning songs into soundscapes with...synthesizers, sitars and bouzouki, Mellotron and Autoharp..."
Q Magazine (10/96, pp.166-167) - 5 Stars (out of 5) - "'s easily the most diverse set of tunes R.E.M. have yet chosen to deliver....a seamlessly assembled mix of live performances...soundcheck reditions...'live' studio takes....hits many and varied targets virtually every time."
New Musical Express (9/7/96, p.44) - 8 (out of 10) - " of the most disillusioned albums ever made....Every harrowed from a soul so empty all it seems to hear is the echo of its own resignation....It's a litany of trouble beyond despair....not an easy album but...a great one..."
Entertainment Weekly (9/13/96, pp.128-131) - "...if the arena-designed, occasionally forced MONSTER felt like a midlife crisis, NEW ADVENTURES IN HI-FI finds R.E.M. returning to their joyful idiosyncrasies....not in years has an R.E.M. album showed such breadth..." - Rating: A

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