CD Import

Transitions: A Journey

Process Nexus

Item Details

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Product Description

Storyline for: Transitions-A Journey Main story theme: Jimmy's dad, John, was a big time drummer. In an effort to stay on the road, Jimmy, 3yrs, was placed with his dad's family in St. Louis with the promise that he'd be back to get him. Jimmy occasionally got phone calls from distant places from his Mom & Dad. Jimmy dreamed of joining them one day. Jimmy never faulted his Mom/Dad, he simply settled in to being the only kid in the strict, aging household, in a relatively tough neighborhood. When Jimmy got word his Mom/Dad were killed in a car accident, he realized no one was coming to get him. Home Strait From The City St. Louis is made up of tough ethnic neighborhoods, people, and industry. Jimmy lived in the Central West End, a large diverse Black community. Professional Blacks (teachers, undertakers, local business owners, etc) stayed in the neighborhood, along with rough row-house tenements but mainly hard-working-blue-collar folks. We attended local school and developed friendships. Jimmy was a young, only-child, in an adult house. With a strict, religious family, all women house (grand mom, aunt, cousin). His escape was a not-so-straight pair of 3S drum sticks and the old guys that gathered behind Joe's. Not satisfied with marbles, bikes, fights, kites and friends for life. Jimmy dreams of being grown Child Hood Dreams. Jimmy lived next to vacant lots and a long set of deteriorating 'row-houses' with transient families and kids. Jimmy and the row-houses were directly across from Joe's Liquor Store. Local males meet daily on a vacant lot in back. Circle of Men. The group talked of many topics - local, global, spiritual, sex, money, 'gonna do', 'shoulda did'. Accepted and shunned by the community. It became a refuge for Jimmy, a place to gain knowledge and listen. Hear men talk. Other businesses were a 45 minute cleaners, Chinese 'take-out' and Willie's bar. Mr O's grocery, and a drug store. Jimmy's best friend was Ray. Ray Rat They made a pact to defend each other. They backed each other at all cost. They were like brothers with very different personalities. They live in one gang area and went to school in another. They had numerous run-ins with tuffs and the authorities. Jimmy and Ray lived on opposite sides of Delmar Blvd, a big, busy, thriving business street that had the all-night clubs like the Riviera Club, Moody's Lounge, the Southern Kitchen, TC Barber Shop, Delmar Pawn, furniture, etc. During the day, and clubs, bars, prostitutes, food places at night. Always something going on, not always good, but always drama. Jimmy and Ray would meet on Delmar to hang out. Jimmy got a job there sweeping the floors at a popular food place on Delmar Blvd Southern Kitchen. Like in Harlem, this was our 125th & 7th, our hustle/bustle street life. The Riviera Club was the biggest, hottest club on Delmar. Part of the 'Chit-lin Circuit' back in the day . Big bands appeared there when in town (BB and Albert, Jackie Wilson, Lil Milton, Ike/Tina & Motown Revues, Muddy Waters, Lionel Hampton, Jerry Butler, etc). I could get rough. The love of my life Rose and i have our 1st date. Every Sunday Jimmy, or a member of his family had attended 1st Central Baptsit Church for over 100 years. The church was active in the community. Lots of folks from the neighborhood attended, inlcuding Ray's family. Jimmy learned to drive by taking auntie's car while she was in church. His spare key and her forgettin where she parked, led Ray and Jimmy on some wild adventures. Kid of My Own Rose gets pregnant, Jimmy's a senior in High School. Jimmy gets a job in a paper factory, the old guys in the factory take Jimmy in because he listens, and keeps his mouth shut. They show him the ropes and how to make more money. The plant's laying off.. Jimmy's conflicted about the situation. Everything seems to be falling apart. He doesn't know who or where to turn to. Playin Thru The wheels start coming off of Jimmy's world. Jimmy has a 'beef' with a local thug. The thug gets shot by unknown assailant, Jimmy suspected. Jimmy starts to drink and do drugs. The guys in

Track List   

Disc   1

  • 01. Strait from the City
  • 02. Child Hood Dreams
  • 03. Ray Rat
  • 04. Circle of Men
  • 05. Southern Kitchen
  • 06. Riviera Club
  • 07. Every Sunday
  • 08. Kid of My Own
  • 09. Playin Thru
  • 10. See the World
  • 11. Intercontinental
  • 12. Tropic R & R
  • 13. Anybody Out There
  • 14. Sometimes Sunshine

Disc   2

  • 01. Flat Earth
  • 02. Trade Zone
  • 03. Golden Handcuffs
  • 04. Inner Peace
  • 05. Feelin Free
  • 06. Process Nexus
  • 07. Our Time
  • 08. If I Thought
  • 09. Keep Movin
  • 10. Conga Jam
  • 11. Closing Time
  • 12. Full Circle
  • 13. Loved Ones
  • 14. Central West End
  • 15. Some Regrets
  • 16. Never Too Old to Dream
  • 17. Over the Horizon

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