CD Import

In Utero


User Review :5.0

Item Details

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Product Description

Rolling Stone (5/13/99, p.53) - Included in Rolling Stone's "Essential Recordings of the 90's."
Rolling Stone (9/16/93, p.63) - 4 1/2 Stars - Outstanding - "...Cobain essentially works according to one playbook, but it's a winner no matter how he runs it....IN UTERO is a lot of things--brilliant, corrosive, enraged and thoughtful, most of them all at once..."
Spin (5/01, p.109) - Ranked #13 in Spin's "50 Most Essential Punk Records".
Spin (9/99, p.126) - Ranked #18 in Spin Magazine's "90 Greatest Albums of the '90s."
Spin (10/93, p.99) - "...IN UTERO is as reckless as anything since Rocket From the Tombs went down in's not liberation but its absence that gets illuminated in Nirvana's songs....setting out to make the last punk album, [IN UTERO] sounds like the first one instead..."
Entertainment Weekly (12/31/93, p.115) - Ranked #5 in Entertainment Weekly's list of `The Best & Worst Records Of 1993' - "...In unleashed wails that truly sound like someone giving birth, Cobain does more than wrestle his demons in public--he strangles them...."
Entertainment Weekly (9/24/93, p.90) - "...IN UTERO makes it clear that the trio now has a signature sound ready for the patent office....Cobain writes terrifically punchy songs and [the band] ravages them into beautiful, brutalizing clatter..." - Rating: B+
Q (7/01, p.90) - Included in Q's "50 Heaviest Albums of All Time".
Q (10/01, p.73) - Ranked #20 in Q's "Best 50 Albums of Q's Lifetime"
Q (12/99, p.76) - Included in Q Magazine's "90 Best Albums Of The 1990s."
Q (1/94, p.82) - Included in Q's list of `The 50 Best Albums Of 1993' - "...a mature, progressive, marvelous new record..."
Q (10/93, p.114) - 4 Stars - Excellent - "...[IN UTERO's] songs confirm Cobain's genius with a tune....If this is how Cobain is going to develop, the future is lighthouse-bright..."
Mojo (3/03, p.76) - Ranked #40 in Mojo's "Top 50 Punk Albums" - "...Cobain's voice is frightening, like Rotten 17 years on..."
NME (8/12/00, p.28) - Ranked #4 in The NME "Top 30 Heartbreak Albums".
NME (12/25/93, p.67) - Ranked #30 in New Musical Express' list of `The Top 50 LPs Of 1993' - "...this attempt to re-invent the Seattle-ites as an unknown, low-fi punk group was doomed--Kurt Cobain's sense of melody was just too strong to be drowned in dissonance and noise...."
NME (9/4/93, p.31) - "...IN UTERO is a profoundly confused record...neither totally a self-destructive squall of hardcore nihilism...nor NEVERMIND II....As a document of a mind in flux, Kurt should be proud of it..."
Melody Maker (1/1/94, p.77) - Ranked #26 in Melody Maker's list of the `Albums Of The Year' for 1993.
Melody Maker (9/4/93, p.31) - "...the history of the last two fraught years weighs mighty heavily upon IN occupies a middle ground between the metal-edged, scum-punk spite of BLEACH and the 10-million selling, grunge-with-gloss killer that was NEVERMIND..."
Musician (10/93, p.88) - "...IN UTERO is a living, breathing, crapping beast of a record that eats expectations for breakfast..."
Village Voice (3/94, p.5) - Ranked #2 in the Village Voice's 1993 Pazz & Jop Critics Poll.
New York Times (9/19/93) - "...IN UTERO nearly topples under the weight of contempt and vitriol....there is a clear authorial voice on [the album] detailing a life in transition....Mr. Cobain [has been] turned nearly nihilistic by good fortune..."

Track List   

  • 01. Serve The Servants (03:36)
  • 02. Scentless Apprentice (03:47)
  • 03. Heart Shaped Box (04:41)
  • 04. Waif Me (02:49)
  • 05. Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge On Seattle (04:09)
  • 06. Dumb (02:32)
  • 07. Very Ape (01:55)
  • 08. Milk It (03:54)
  • 09. Penny Royal Tea (03:37)
  • 10. Radio Friendly Unit Shifter (04:51)
  • 11. Tourette's (01:35)
  • 12. All Apologies (03:49)

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投稿日:2021/02/26 (金)


アヒル交響曲 さん | 不明 | 不明


投稿日:2013/08/02 (金)

ニルヴァーナのアルバムの中で最も優れた作品集だと思う。 個人的には2,3,6,7,8,12が秀作だと思った。外れ曲や捨て曲の少ないアルバムはいくつか知っているが、これだけの秀作を並べた密度の濃いアルバムは、なかなか見当たらないのではないだろうか。

メロンパン さん | 神奈川県 | 不明


投稿日:2010/05/05 (水)

全部がカッコイイけど、とくにこの3曲が好き。「Serve the Servants」「Scentless Apprentice」「 Frances Farmer Will Have Her Revenge on Seattle」カートのシャウトが胸に突き刺さる。カート・コバーンのシャウトってなんか知らないけど独自でカッコイイよね?普通と違うんだよね、そこがやっぱ彼の魅力なんだろうね。


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