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That Is Not A Good Idea!(洋書)

Mo Willems

Product Details

ISBN/Catalogue Number
ISBN 13 : 9781406355581
ISBN 10 : 1406355585
Release Date

Product Description

『That is Not a Good Idea!』の出演者(登場人物!?)は、おなかをすかせたキツネと母ガチョウとひな鳥たち。
手振り、身振りをまじえて、表情豊かに描き出されるキツネと母ガチョウのイラストと、黒地に白い文字で描き出されるセリフが、別ページで浮かび上がる展開は、まるで無声映画のよう。二人のやり取りを見ているひな鳥たちは、キツネの悪巧みにハラハラドキドキで、彼らが何か行動をおこす度に、「That is Not a Good Idea!」とタイトルのフレーズを叫びだす。ひな鳥たちと同様、彼らにハラハラドキドキさせられる読者も、ページをめくる度に、思わず声をあわせて、「That is Not a Good Idea!」と叫びたくなる。さて、物語の展開はいかに?


無声映画風の試みや、ユーモアあふれる展開は、それだけで、とても楽しい物語だが、ひな鳥たちのセリフを子どもたちに言ってもらうなど、参加型の読み聞かせの教材として、英語教室で取り入れても楽しい作品だ。 (エルパカBOOKS)

Mo Willems モー・ウィレムズ
モー・ウィレムズは、テレビ番組「セサミ・ストリート」の放送作家、アニメーターとして活動を開始。エミー賞を6回獲得。現在、人気絵本作家として精力的に活動中。『Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!』『Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale』『Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity』で3度のコルデコット賞を受賞。「An ELEPHANT & PIGGIE Book」シリーズは、ニューヨークタイムズ・ベストセラーやドクター・スース賞にもたびたび選出されている。

Content Description

This is the story of a hungry fox who meets a plump goose and, ooh!, what an innocent looking goose she is. Just look at those big, doey eyes - so trusting! The fox can't believe his luck so he asks the goose to go for a stroll. The goose, with her angelic face, cannot refuse. Suddenly, a little chick pops up warning the protagonist: "That is NOT a good idea!" All too late! This fox is on a roll and next, he invites the goose back to his house tucked away in the deep, dark woods, and ...the goose says YES! "THAT IS NOT A GOOD IDEA!" - now, LOTS of little chicks are shouting warnings! But ...just who are they trying to help? The fox or the goose?

Mo Willems (, a number one New York Times best-selling author and illustrator, has been awarded a Caldecott Honor on three occasions (for Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus!, Knuffle Bunny: A Cautionary Tale, and Knuffle Bunny Too: A Case of Mistaken Identity). Don't Let the Pigeon Drive the Bus! was also an inaugural inductee into the Indies Choice Picture Book Hall of Fame. And his celebrated Elephant & Piggie early-reader series has been awarded the Theodor Seuss Geisel Medal on two occasions (for There Is a Bird on Your Head! and Are You Ready to Play Outside?) as well as garnering four Honors (for We Are in a Book!, I Broke My Trunk!, Let's Go for a Drive! and A Big Guy Took My Ball!). Other favorites include Naked Mole Rat Gets Dressed and City Dog, Country Frog, illustrated by Jon J Muth. Mo lives with his family in Massachusetts.

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