CD Import

Living For The Sunny Days

Jim Boyd

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Product Description

Living For The Sunny Days is a release that I thought I would never get around to recording. It was a very special experience for me in many ways. I had the opportunity to work again with my producer friend Doc Holiday, who is an amazing producer who put so much into this project. I truly appreciate his incredible talent, direction, and dedication. Doc brought his A-Team. These are incredible musicians and awesome individuals who brought this project to another level. I was so honored to have every one of them on this recording. For the genre and instrumenta- tion I needed for this project, these musicians and engineers were the perfect match. I wrote these songs throughout the years, and they were inspired by so many people who have been a big part of my life. When compiling these songs I was reminded how blessed I truly am to have the family that I have, I love and appreciate them all. Songs include Please, a song sadly inspired by the loss of my son Jim Boyd, JR, who left us in 2006. Jim was an amazing young man who I miss every day, and is missed by so many others as well. I am so fortunate to have his amazing daughter Lachelle, as my granddaughter. That Way was inspired by my relationship with my wife of twenty-three years. Shelly has been such an inspiration, and so supportive in everything I've ever done, and she's also been my biggest fan, and my best friend. Mama, was of course inspired by my mother Violet Boyd. She has been such a huge part of my life. I wrote the song while reminiscing of our younger years and appreciating all that my mom has done for us six kids, and now her grandchildren and great grandchildren. Bring Back My Bible is a gospel song I wrote after a long conversation with cousin Jennifer Phillips. We discussed belief systems and I remember afterwards thinking about how much easier it could be to just have faith, rather than stress about what may or may not make sense regarding religious beliefs. Blues to Bluegrass is about my love for roots types of music. I've always loved Blues and Bluegrass music and thought it would be interesting to join these genres in one song. Live For Sunny Days is another Gospel-ish song that started the project. Let's Have Some Fun is a reflection of my party days, while in reality I haven't drank or used in over twenty- one years. Pow Wow Highway 49, Indian Casino, and Raw Rez-n- Roll, are reflections with a reservation humor side.

Track List   

  • 01. That Way
  • 02. Live for Sunny Days
  • 03. Please
  • 04. Blues to Bluegrass
  • 05. Pow Wow Highway 49
  • 06. Bring Back My Bible
  • 07. Let's Have Some Fun
  • 08. Indian Casino
  • 09. Mama
  • 10. Raw Rez-N-Roll

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