CD Import

Madrigals, Etc: Alessandrini / Conerto Italiano +luzzasci, Monte, Etc

Gesualdo (1560-1613)

Item Details

Catalogue Number
Number of Discs

Product Description

Most of our preconceptions about the life and music of Don Carlo Gesualdo, Prince of Venosa may be based upon one incident in his life--the murder of his wife and her lover. This perspective effectively renders Gesualdo's entire musical output in the shadows, behind the lurid details of his personal life. His music is worthy of our attention and has recently won the esteem of performers and listeners alike. This recording of madrigals from Gesualdo's 5th and 6th book, performed by the acclaimed Concerto Italiano, makes a very strong case for the music of this tortured soul.
Gesualdo's madrigals on this recording were inspired by the Neapolitan composer Pomponio Nenna and the highly influential Ferrarese style of Luzzasco Luzzaschi. Compositions by both composers are presented on the disc, but it's the daring music of Gesualdo, a dramatic music filled with modernist harmonies, shocking dissonance and intense emotion, that captures our attention. Gesualdo's madrigal "Moro, lasso, al mio morte brami" ("I die, wretched, to my dead desires") exemplifies these qualities.
The singers of Concerto Italiano deliver flawless performances, managing the technical challenges of Gesualdo's music without overlooking his considerable melodic gifts. This is a vital recording of music by a misunderstood genius.

Track List   

  • 01. Madrigals, Book 6: Moro, lasso, al mio duolo
  • 02. Madrigals, Book 6: Se la mia morte brami
  • 03. Madrigals, Book 6: Belta, poi che t'assenti
  • 04. Canzon francese del principe
  • 05. Madrigals, Book 6: Languisce al fin chi da la vita parte
  • 06. Madrigals, Book 5: Asciugate i begli occhi
  • 07. Madrigals, Book 5: Merce grido piangendo
  • 08. Madrigals, Book 17: Tu m'uccidi, o crudele
  • 09. Madrigals, Book 5: Gioite voi col canto
  • 10. Madrigals, Book 5: S'io non miro non moro
  • 11. Madrigals, Book 5: Se vi duol il mio duolo
  • 12. Madrigals, Book 17: Di mie dogliose note
  • 13. Madrigals, Book 4: Occhi miei che vedeste
  • 14. Madrigals, Book 7: Se lontana voi sete
  • 15. Madrigals, Book 5: Ahi, cruda sorte mia
  • 16. Madrigals, Book 5: Lungi da te cor mio
  • 17. Madrigals, Book 6: Itene mie querele

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