CD Import

When I Was Your World

Coco O'connor

Item Details

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Product Description

From the moment the album opens (the track Honey Bee,) the songstress' invigorated approach is clear. Other standouts like the stripped down Trophies and Tiaras and White Horse, co-written with hit songwriters Mark and Stephanie Brown, bring a variety of Americana, Folk, Roots and even Bluegrass influences. Featured on the album's cover is Coco's daughter, who is a major inspiration behind the singer's career. I had my daughter kind of late in life, so it's important for me to show her that one should never live a life of compromise, especially when it comes to art, explains O'Connor. The shining moment in the project's inception is the title cut, When I Was Your World. Serving as the lead single from the album, the heartfelt track was written by O'Connor between 2015-2016, and she held onto it for the right moment. The song was originally inspired by my daughter. I was just blown away that I was 'the world' to this little, new person in my life. So during a songwriting session with Rick Beresford and Deanna Walker, I blurted out the title, they loved it and we were off to the races. We knew it was something special because as we were writing the last verse, both Deanna and myself got pretty emotional. It's a song dealing with all aspects of any relationship - from the newness of it all to eventually the loss and everything in between. We all should be chasing the dreams in our hearts no matter if we are young or old, Coco says. Life is like a race but it's important to run your own race and not someone else's. It's less about winning or losing. You win when you persevere.

Track List   

  • 01. Honeybee
  • 02. White Horse
  • 03. When I Was Your World
  • 04. Lover
  • 05. No Better Woman
  • 06. More than Enough
  • 07. Mercy
  • 08. Something To Believe In
  • 09. Silver Queen
  • 10. Trophies

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