CD Import

Bandit Soup

Bill Bothwell

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Product Description

First, this recording is dedicated to the goodness, wisdom, kindness and strength within the Sun of Basic Goodness of Society. Without a fresh sense of goodness and beauty in the world, we won't be able to cheer up and find our precious self-worthiness. These songs span the emotional spectrum but hopefully remain in the world of sad joy and are fun to listen to. The songs reflect the world I live in, my family, Pamela, Caitlin, Solomon and Miles, and my many friends and acquaintances along the way who've ended up in these songs. I've played music and written songs since I was 17, but it was an unusual and delightful coming together of karmic connections which produced this record. In a real sense, it was a collaboration of many artists, some friends in the Shambhala community, and others, superb musicians, only my friend and producer Joel Wachbrit knew would have the perfect style and manner for this project. Each musician had remarkable intuition about these songs. And needless to say, having Martin Lubner produce the album art was extraordinary! Finally, I owe a tremendous debt of gratitude for the advice and training I received from Chgyam Trungpa, Rinpoche and Sakyong Mipahm, Rinpoche, my dharma teachers, and Allen Ginsberg, my poetry teacher for many years until his death. They never failed me. I've sent out a few copies of the CD to friends and have had an overwhelmingly positive response. Here are a few of their notes back to me. ~Bones and Peonies is a remarkably good song. One that if I heard on the radio or shazam I would buy it and put on my I pod (which I will do). My sister heard and loved it-could not believe you are a lawyer during day. Also liked Falling Leaves very very much. Album all and all impressive. STANLEY WEISER (Screenwriter, credits include Wall Street and W) ~Hi Bill, listened to most of it today while I was driving around. I found it very moving to hear these beautiful songs of yours put together so well. Everything Must Go is really anthemic classic rock! Love it man... very proud of you. JAKE LABOTZ (Blues singer-songwriter and actor, latest recording, Get Right, film credits include Animal Factory, Ghost World, and Rambo; currently under production and starring in The Grace of Jake) ~Congratulations and thanks for the CD. Listened to it this morning and really enjoyed it. Excellent songs and vocals. The arrangements are very well conceived and beautifully played. Also, nice guitar work by Joel and Guido. The CD has a good flow, and a nice arc to it with the last three tracks forming a moving conclusion. My feeling these days is 'Music is Sanity. MICHAEL JON FINK (Professor of Music, California Institute of the Arts CalArts) ~......

I'm not a 'rock and roll guy' at all, but I do love an 'authentic voice,' and you've got it! I would never have recognized your singing voice on the CD, since it sounds much deeper and is really resonant. It reminds me of both Tom Waits and Greg Brown-not because you sound particularly like them, but because you have the same sense of passion and non-separation between you and your songs. The instrumental arrangements are wonderful and complement the vocals beautifully, and the lyrics make powerful poetry when sung. Wonderful jacket art, too, with a great shot of you and Allen Ginsberg! I have been playing it on my car CD player for the last couple of days and it gets even better with repeated listenings. LANCE BRUNER (Associate Professor of Musicology, Director of Graduate Studies Musicology, University of Kentucky) ~Just finished listening to your CD. I really love it. First of all, it's so real! It may sound corny, but I just liked opening up the jacket and reading through the lyrics while they went by, and the whole production with the band and everything. Full blown. The songs are great-you already know I love your songwriting. In one moment lonely, in the next complete, the next a bit cynical, the next cheerful. DAVID ARMITAGE (Opera singer and trombonist; Head of Investment Strategy and Acquisitions, Corio N.V., Utrecht Area, Netherlands) ~Congrats old

Track List   

  • 01. Bones and Peonies
  • 02. Las Vegas Blues
  • 03. Only Love Can See Out There
  • 04. Nothing on My Mind
  • 05. Leaves Are Falling
  • 06. West Bank Blues
  • 07. Army Life
  • 08. Sweet Guitars
  • 09. Everything Must Go
  • 10. Just Like the Moon

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