CD Import



User Review :5.0

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Product Description

Dusk is Badlands's third and final album. It was originally recorded in 1992-1993 as a demo to submit to their label. In an interview on the Racer X site, Jeff Martin talks about Dusk: Dusk, or the tunes put on the album, were intended as demos for the next Badlands album after Voo Doo Hwy. We had worked up that group of tunes at rehearsals at Mates in North Hollywood two months before recording them at Good Night L.

A by a friend of Ray's, Shea Baby. It's all 24 track full studio recording, but we did it all in less than 6 to 8 hours. We put the Mic's up, made sure they worked and Go! We recorded them primarily for Atlantic Records to hear and give US a budget for the full recording of the same tunes, if they liked what we had. They did not like the direction of the songs, for whatever the reason. Some months later we were dropped from Atlantic. At the time we were happy with that outcome and so was the Management, being that Atlantic was not doing anything for US anyway. We shopped new prospects. Almost every song was one-take recordings. I remember having floor Tom mic problems where we stopped to fix it, then restarted a song. But all in all, one takes. Even some endings were a little funky on my end, but Jake just flagged it off and we go to the next tune. I think Jake is the only one who did not make one mistake... if he did I did not hear it. Ray had about 50% of his lyrics together. The rest were what he called Jib-A-Jab. He would put a word or two on the front of a line and rest were all vowels. He was amazing at it, and most folks never could tell the difference. He would come up with his melody line by Jib-A-Jabbing. I think he had a harder time finding lyrics that fit his Jabbing, due to the timing and the percussive hooks he would come up with while scatting along. Nothing on Dusk was fixed, that Ray did, obviously due to his passing before the putting together of the tracks. For him to sound like what you hear on the album one take each tune, still amazes me to no end. He was one you could say had true talent, pitch and tone. Jeff commented on the song Sun Red Sun: One thing I must comment about Dusk is a vision I see in my mind every time some brings up the project or I listen to it myself. During the beginning of the song Sun Red Sun, while Jake was doing the intro, I could see Ray in the Vocal booth through a glass partition sitting on a stool giving me that charismatic smile of his. His arm held out in front of him and running his index finger back and forth across ten or twelve thin silver Indian bracelets he always wore. That's the chimes you hear in the track.

Track List   

  • 01. Healer (04:45)
  • 02. Sun Red Sun (05:29)
  • 03. Tribal Moon (03:55)
  • 04. River (04:41)
  • 05. Walking Attitude (02:55)
  • 06. Fire Lasts Forever (04:04)
  • 07. Dog (03:27)
  • 08. Fat Cat (04:33)
  • 09. Lord Knows (04:55)
  • 10. Ride the Jack (04:17)

Customer Reviews

Comprehensive Evaluation




投稿日:2010/05/07 (金)

このアルバムは完成直後にバンドが解散してしまったものの、何とかリリースにこぎつけたアルバムだったと記憶しています。発売当時バッドランズが大好きだったので、即買いしました。 内容は、ブルージーなハードロックのギター・リフ&ソロが好みの方には、ストライクだと思います。気をつけていただきたいのはブルースではなく、あくまでもブルージーだということです。 楽曲も全く文句ありません。@では低音から高音まで幅広いレンジを使い分けるエリック・シンガーの真骨頂が聴けます。個人的にはAが大好きです。スロー・テンポの曲でだるい感じなのに、グルーヴが効いていてゆったりとのれます。私のドライブ用のMDには欠かせない曲です。アルバムの全体的な雰囲気は、今までの作品の延長だと考えていただければよいかと思います。 ジェイクのギター・ソロは完全にその場の勢いで弾いた感じで、これがまたライヴな味わいを出していて、トロけてしまいます。早弾きとかを期待している方は肩透かしかもすれませんが、そんな次元のギタリストではないところに彼はいます。(オジーのアルバムで早弾きができることは周知のことですが、ジェイク自身がそのことにまったく価値を見出していないと思います。こっちのジェイクのほうがカッコいいです!)そんな彼の本当の姿が聴けるのではないでしょうか。 あっ忘れてました!もう一つこのアルバムの魅力があります。ジェイクのギターの音が過去最高の音だということです。唸ってます!

ラッキーな男 さん | 鹿児島県 | 不明


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