Yumemiru Uchuu (+DVD)[First Press Limited Edition]


User Review :4.0

Item Details

Catalogue Number
Number of Discs
+DVD, Limited (First Edition)

Product Description

BUCK-TICK 25th Anniversary!!待望のアルバムが遂にリリース決定!!!デビューから 25年というキャリアを誇りながらも、常に斬新で質の高い音楽を世に送り続ける BUCK-TICK約 2年ぶりのニューアルバム。 先行シングル「エリーゼのために」、「MISS TAKE〜僕はミス・テイク〜」、c/w曲の「夢見る宇宙」、「ONLY YOU」(すべてシングルと異なるアルバムVer.)含む全 11曲収録。 四半世紀にもわたり一度もメンバーチェンジをせず、常に第一線で活動。シングル、アルバムのチャート上位を獲得し続け、SUMMER SONIC、 RISING SUN、COUNT DOWN JAPANなどロックフェスの出演実績を誇る。2011年 12月 29日には、12年連続となる日本武道館公演を行い、ニコニコ生中継ライブの来場者数が、ロックバンド史上最高の 10万人越えを記録。デビューから 25年、今なおその勢いは止まらない。

Track List   

Disc   2



-DVD / Live at 日比谷野外大音楽堂 2012.6.10より SE. night side −rainy−

  • 02. エリーゼのために
  • 03. REVOLVER
  • 04. 疾風のブレードランナー
  • 05. 夢見る宇宙

Interview Clip

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コメント動画 If you need help with playing the sounds or the movies, click here.

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退化を感じさせないバンドです。 25年を経...

投稿日:2013/06/04 (火)

退化を感じさせないバンドです。 25年を経過した豊富な経験値を覗かせるアルバムです。 ただ、好き嫌いのはっきり別れるアルバムだとおもいます…

サイファ さん | 群馬県 | 不明

First time I listened the album YUMEMIRU...

投稿日:2012/10/18 (木)

First time I listened the album YUMEMIRU UCHUU at night as Mr. Sakurai and Mr. Imai advised in their interviews :D and I was completely charmed with 夢路. It’s so beautiful and bewitching song and Mr. Sakurai’s voice is so lovely, deep and seductive! 人魚 −mermaid− is bright and funny and this one make me gladly giggle. And I fall in love with 夜想 with that jazz spirits and sensual lyrics. I love to walk at night with 夜想 in my earphones ... 「夜の片隅で・・・」 yeah! :) In INTER RAPTOR you can feel resignation and tension at the same time. It arouse some strange sense... The album as a whole is full of feelings. I was always admired Mr. Sakurai’s talent to convey infinite shades of emotions and images by his voice. In my opinion, no one can do it like he can do. The design and the the package are very nice. It’s pleasant to scrutinize and to touch. (Original Ball Point Pen was very nice surprise too! It’s my favorite pen from now :D ) I’m sure, YUMEMIRU UCHUU will easily find the way to depths of hearts of many people by versatility, harmony of antagonisms, bewitching nuances and naked candour. I’m very thankful to B-T for the chance to delight in lestening the new songs and I’m happy that they are satisfied with their new work and wish them to continue to enjoy creation without watching the reactions of faultfinders. Warmest congratulations on 25th Anniversary and oceans of love from cold but loving Russia! :3

Ekaterina さん | RUSSIA | 不明

I was looking forward to my pre-ordered ...

投稿日:2012/09/30 (日)

I was looking forward to my pre-ordered copy of this album to come in the mail after how good the original ”MISS TAKE” (song) was.... and when ”Yumemiru Uchuu” finally arrived, I was deeply disappointed. A few of the songs were so bad I had to skip over them. The compositions feel rushed and passionless, just to put out something this year; the studio work was muddy (with the exception of ”夢路”, which was the only song that interested me in the album), and somehow even ”MISS TAKE” got the timing butchered. Generally the whole album is out of touch and dated, with a retro 70’s early 80’s rock influence. Heavy hints of old Bay City Rollers’s style. The presentation (contents, packaging) seems like a major downgrade from the quality and content of ”MISS TAKE”. I’ve been struggling with what I was going to say for my HMV review now for over a week, because I just didn’t like it... and I am a passionate BUCK-TICK fan. I haven’t gotten around to checking out the lyrics, but I’m hoping that those at least will be a redeeming factor... this is purely based on the sound and look of it. Wish I’d gotten it on iTunes and saved the money this time.

Jrock-kodama さん | none | 不明


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