Individuals/organizations(Artist) > Jazz > Jazz Vocal > Individuals/organizations(Artist) Names starting with N

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Nat King Cole

Nat King Cole  Artist TOP All Items

For a mild-mannered man whose music was always easy on the ear, Nat King Cole managed to be a figure of considerable controversy during his 30 years as a professional musician. From the late ’40s t ..more


Nina Simone

Nina Simone  Artist TOP All Items

Nina Simone was one of the most gifted vocalists of her generation, and also one of the most eclectic. Simone was a singer, pianist, and songwriter who bent genres to her will rather than allowi ..more


Norah Jones

Norah Jones  Artist TOP All Items

Vocalist and pianist Norah Jones developed a unique blend of jazz and traditional vocal pop, with hints of bluesy country and contemporary folk, due in large part to her unique upbringing. The daug ..more


