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Pearl Jam

Pearl Jam  Artist TOP All Items

Pearl Jam rose from the ashes of Mother Love Bone to become the most popular American rock & roll band of the ’90s. After Mother Love Bone’s vocalist, Andrew Wood, overdosed on heroin in 1 ..more


Patti Smith

Patti Smith  Artist TOP All Items

Punk rock’s poet laureate, Patti Smith ranks among the most influential female rock & rollers of all time. Ambitious, unconventional, and challenging, Smith’s music was hailed as the most exc ..more


Public Image LTD

Public Image LTD  Artist TOP All Items

Public Image Ltd. (PiL) were originally a quartet led by singer John Lydon (formerly Johnny Rotten, born January 31, 1956) and guitarist Keith Levene, who had been a member of the Cla ..more



Pixies  Artist TOP All Items

Combining jagged, roaring guitars and stop-start dynamics with melodic pop hooks, intertwining male-female harmonies, and evocative, cryptic lyrics, the Pixies were one of the most influential Amer ..more


The Pineapple Thief

The Pineapple Thief  Artist TOP All Items

British prog rock band the Pineapple Thief began as the passion project of frontman Bruce Soord in Yeovil, Somerset in 1999. Initially, Soord worked alone. He thought the venture would only l ..more



Paramore  Artist TOP All Items

Although their blend of emo-pop and slick, anthemic rock & roll eventually made them stars on both sides of the Atlantic, Paramore began humbly enough in Franklin, Tennessee, where Hayley William ..more


