CD Import

Cantatas Vol 25 (44, 86, 87, 97, 150, 183): Gardiner / EBS, Monteverdi Cho

Bach (1685-1750)

Item Details

Catalogue Number
Number of Discs

Product Description

The seventeenth release from the Bach Cantata Pilgrimage is now available- the previous launch issues in the series received phenomenal press coverage and tremendous reviews for performance, sound quality and packaging.

SDG's spring 2008 release combines Cantatas for the Fifth Sunday after Easter with those written for the Sunday after Ascension Day. The first set of Cantatas were recorded in Dresden. It was here that Bach had been crowned unopposed keyboard champion in 1717, and also where the first two movements of what we now know as the B minor Mass were first performed in 1733. The opening cantata, BWV 86 Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch is a great example of Bach's skill to reinforce religious texts and their meanings. The final piece in the programme is BWV 97 In allen meinen Taten, a cantata without liturgical designation first performed in 1734. It uses the haunting Heinrich Isaac hymn tune 'Innsbruck, ich muss dich lassen' in both its opening and concluding movements.

Recorded in Sherborne Abbey, BWV 150 Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich has no specified liturgical designation but is particularly apt in the period between Easter and Ascension. The two Leipzig cantatas Bach wrote for Exaudi share the title Sie werden euch in den Bann tun. BWV 44 was composed as part of Bach's first Leipzig cycle in 1724 and BWV 183 followed a year later. To balance the performance of BWV 150, the disc ends with Johann Christoph Bach's five-voiced motet Fürchte dich nicht. This is an uplifting programme recorded in a perfect acoustic setting.

Cantatas for the Fifth Sunday after Easter

BWV 86 - Wahrlich, wahrlich, ich sage euch
BWV 87 - Bisher habt ihr nichts gebeten in meinem Namen
BWV 97 - In allen meinen Taten

(recorded: Dresden)

Soloists: Katharine Fuge | Robin Tyson
Steve Davislim | Stephen Loges

Cantatas for the Sunday after Ascension Day

BWV 44 - Sie werden euch in den Bann tun I
BWV 150 - Nach dir, Herr, verlanget mich
BWV 183 - Sie werden euch in den Bann tun II
Fürchte dich nicht - Johann Christoph Bach

(recorded: Sherborne)

Soloists: Joanne Lunn | Daniel Taylor
Paul Agnew | Panajotis Iconomou

The Monteverdi Choir | The English Baroque Soloists | John Eliot Gardiner

Track List   

Disc   1

  • 01. レビューに記載

Disc   2

  • 01. レビューに記載

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