Ends: 5/22 (TUE)! Buy Selected CD & DVD Get 25% Off

Buy Selected CD & DVD Get 25% Off
[Campaign Period] 2012/4/27 (FRI) 16:00 - 2012/5/22 (TUE)

Buy 1 or more [CD Campaign Item] and 1 or more [DVD Campaign Item] together and get 25% Discount!
The order must contain at least 1 CD from the [CD Campaign Item] and 1 DVD from the [DVD Campaign Item]. 2 CDs or 2 DVDs will not be qualified for the discount.

See details about cancellation of campaign orders here.
CD Campaign Item
DVD Campaign Item
- This campaign does not include all CDs and DVDs available on HMV ONLINE.
- This campaign is only on HMV ONLINE and HMV MOBILE and not on physical HMV STORES, LAWSON HOT STATION (Yahoo! Store, Rakuten Ichiba) or HMV @Loppi.
Showing 1-20 of  20 Results
50 100 200
* Point ratios listed below are the case for Bronze / Gold / Platinum Stage.