Yoriko Ichinomiya

Yoriko Ichinomiya Review List

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Customer Reviews

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  • Singer-songwriter Yoriko Ichinomiya makes a unique...

    Posted Date:2011/08/03

    Singer-songwriter Yoriko Ichinomiya makes a unique kind of haunting, melancholic folk with jazz influences; in some ways, her music is reminiscent of artists of the New Weird America such as Marissa Nadler, Silver Summit or the Espers. And not only her style is unique; it is deeply moving and very even in quality. I can try hard, I cannot find any negative thing to say about this album. The songs are incredibly beautiful, soothing yet sad, and otherworldly. Highly recommended to any lover of folk music, especially if you enjoy the artists mentioned above.

    Psychorgasmic . |20year


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