CD Import

Piano Concerto, Orchestral Works : Bavouzet(P)J.Mena / BBC Philharmonic

Pierne, Gabriel (1863-1937)

User Review :5.0

Item Details

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Product Description

Gabriel Pierne:
Piano Concerto in C minor, Op. 12
Ramuntcho, Suites Nos. 1 & 2
Divertissements sur un theme pastoral, Op. 49
Marche des petits soldats de plomb

Jean-Efflam Bavouzet, piano
BBC Philharmonic Orchestra / Juanjo Mena, conductor

Recorded 2009, 2010

Bavouzet is a true master of the French repertoire as can be seen from his award winning complete Debussy series. He is here accompanied by Juanjo Mena - who will from September 2011 be the Chief Conductor of the BBC Philharmonic - in this, his debut recording on Chandos.

Whilst not now a household name, Pierne was a highly respected and very active composer/conductor in his day as well as a key figure in the French musical establishment (he even has a square named after him in Paris). He received the French Legion d’Honneur in 1900 and, in 1910, conducted the premier of Stravinsky’s The Firebird. A pupil of Franck and Massenet, he wrote music with tremendous fluency and all his works were written with a characteristically light, French touch. His style combines the essence of both his key teachers: there was a mixture of the seriousness of Franck and the sensuality of Massenet, and these elements combined to produce a string of very attractive and tuneful orchestral pieces.

Cast in the traditional three movements, the Piano Concerto was completed in 1886. After an imposing introduction, the classical structure of the movement is imbued with a charm reminiscent of Saint-Saens. A bright and cheerful Scherzando separates this first movement and the brilliant rondo finale, which uses material heard previously in the concerto.

The Suites from Ramuntcho derive from music he wrote for the play of the same name in 1908 by Pierre Loti. Here the story of the Basque smuggler provided Pierne with plenty of opportunities to imbue his score with vibrant Basque colours and rhythms. Whilst the extended overture to the suites is one of his most successful works, other movements such as the lively Fandango and the final Rapsodie Basque are equally appealing, both in terms of melody and orchestral colour.

However, the composer’s most famous work is the once very popular Marches des Petits Soldats (the March of the Little Lead Soldiers) which enjoyed a great vogue up until recent years. This new recording reveals its catchy-charms to new generations once again.

Track List   

  • 01. Album pour mes petits amis, Op. 14: No. 6. Marche des Petits Soldats de Plomb (version for piano)
  • 02. I. Allegro
  • 03. II. Scherzando
  • 04. III. Final
  • 05. Divertissement sur un theme pastoral, Op. 49
  • 06. I. Ouverture
  • 07. II. Le Jardin de Gracieuse
  • 08. III. La chambre de Franchita
  • 09. IV. Fandango
  • 10. I. La Cidrerie
  • 11. II. Le Couvent
  • 12. III. Rapsodie Basque

Customer Reviews

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投稿日:2018/10/13 (土)

バヴゼのピアノがポップで爽快な気を運んでくる ピエルネのピアノ・コンチェルトに初めて鮮明な印象を得た 甘美で軽やかな風に吹かれる思いを抱かせる 協奏するBBCpoを指揮するメナが持つリズム感と音色への志向もピエルネの親しみ易い旋律線と音楽構造を描くに適している メナとBBCpoの相性は管弦楽曲にその適性の高さを見ることができる ピエルネの印象派とは一線を画する作風はロマンチックで流れるような推進性を特徴としている 優しい歌で装おわれた幻想の庭を飛び回る蝶のようで決して直線的にはならない 室内楽で親しんでいたピエルネにこうしたオーケストラ作品があることを知り 思わぬ贈り物をもらったような幸福感がある メナに限らず多くの指揮者がピエルネを取り上げてくれることを願う コンサートで聴けるのが理想だが 録音も愉しみに待ちたい この美しい音楽をあなたも如何 

風信子 さん | 茨城県 | 不明


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