CD Import

Don't Judge A Crook By His Lover


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I've seen things you people wouldn't believe I've eaten Unicorn meat dumplings in San Tee Alley, reflecting on my own dual nature as a mythic beast: half man, half human. Half old world, half new... I've seen little square shaped pieces of mirrored glass covering a styrofoam ball; spinning and glittering in the dark (while people writhe and swell to the beat), in social clubs across the universe +++ I met a young woman called Ariella, who offered her white rabbit for the album cover photo shoot. She enthusiastically volunteered her charge, a full grown female called Miss Foo, only to exit in a non-responsive fashion, never to be heard from again. Within days, a new champion emerged: Bam Bam Ramirez appeared like a little white angel just blocks from the studio where we mixed/mastered. He had a little hitch in his get along, but far be it from me to judge a fellow animal for having a gangster limb. And to be sure, the swift ascent three days later of the two baby bunnies from the desert, Prettyboy Ridgeback and Hotshot Sweetbreath, was no less than a miracle +++ I've been under the tutelage of Nolan Nolanofsky, Wise Sage of Echo Lake... I discovered that I had two social security numbers and was considered an 'unborn' alien. I saw an Amazon catch a jet black hummingbird in the palm of her hand. During training with the Watermen of the Adriatic, I saw three sardines raping a whale Do little lambs dream of Asteroids? Does the Pope use soap on a roap? I devised a mantra in the foothills of Piedmont: 'You win some, you lose some, you bathe some in epsom, you get some, then dim sum, and then some.' All those moments will be lost in time, like Ludes down a drain... but now I was having trouble ambulating, I was feeling the human side of my makeup more and more and needed to find some precious epicenter where I could regenerate those of my cells which had undergone reversion mutation. The pain without reason was unbearable. I was stuck between rock and roll and a hard place... I needed real answers, but not even the New York Public Library could offer me information on the highly prized and very rare 'breed' to which I belong. All that came up was a geezer called Miller and some tome he had written: Book Three of The Rosy Crucifixion, Paris, Obelisk Press, 1960. I went downtown. I did my best thinking while steaming in the ethnic bath-house, subsisting on nothing but herring and mineral water. People often stared when I performed my little parlor trick. That is, I can perspire in any color, at will A Fact of Life: to make an alteration to the natural evolvement of an organic life system is fatal. A coding sequence can not be revised once it's been established. But WHY Not? My mission was clear: to release the album and then as fast as possible, get to the HQ of Tyrone Slashenburn Corporation, to get answers... As a Nexus 7, I needed an ultra pure and natural high molecular weight Hyaluronan that I could dissolve in a physiological saline. It needed to be a sterile, non-pyrogenic, transparent, viscoelastic solution that came from the glycosaminoreincarnatalycan complex sugar family, and had a molecular weight of at least 9.711 million daltons... As you can see, two single use alchemist's syringes for bilateral treatment were the least of my worries At least the woeful chasm of losing my mind had been avoided. I had retired the loaded Sig Sauer which sat on my coffee table for 10 days, next to a well leafed-through copy of The Piano Tuner. It's true, for a while I thought I'd save them the trouble, retaining my dignity by facilitating my own execution, nay--- retirement. But no, dear friends, that was an unacceptable option. I want more life, fuckers +++ I want to fix the neurology, to uncross the synapses, to feel the wind caress the nape of my neck, to run my toes through the sand of some Brazilian beach as the wild orchids sway gently and renegade meat marinates in passion fruit and ginger, thereby rehabilitating my DNA strands. I want to learn what it feels like to have my tear ducts leak, to be guide

Track List   

  • 01. Kid Twist
  • 02. Cut You From the Will
  • 03. Bronwyn
  • 04. Girls I Mean
  • 05. Diggin' the Dose
  • 06. Rabbits White Rabbits
  • 07. Orange Door
  • 08. Renegade Meat
  • 09. Girls On LSD
  • 10. 40 Karat
  • 11. A Lover is Forever
  • 12. It All Reduces Down
  • 13. [Untitled]
  • 14. [Untitled]
  • 15. [Untitled]
  • 16. [Untitled]
  • 17. [Untitled]

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