

5.1chサラウンドミックスのDVDオーディオも付属!プログレ界を代表する名ドラマー ビル・ブラッフォードのソロキャリアを包括した豪華ボックスセット入荷します!


『Feels Good to Me』『One of a Kind』『The Bruford Tapes』『Gradually Going Tornado』といったブラッフォード(ブルーフォード)名義のソロキャリア作品4タイトルに、世界初出となる1980年NYライヴを収録した『Live at The Venue』、幻となったソロアルバムの未発表リハーサル音源を中心にコンパイルされた『4th Album Reharsal Sessions』を追加したCD全6枚組。

また、『Feels Good to Me』『One of a Kind』の2タイトルは、キング・クリムゾンのジャコ・ジャクスジクによる5.1chサラウンドミックス音源を収録したDVDオーディオも付属。さらに、『One of a Kind』『The Bruford Tapes』には各ボーナストラックを追加。


Seems Like A Lifetime Ago

01. Beelzebub (2017 Remix)
02. Back to the Beginning (2017 Remix)
03. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part One (2017 Remix)
04. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part Two (2017 Remix)
05. Sample and Hold (2017 Remix)
06. Feels Good to Me (2017 Remix)
07. Either End of August (2017 Remix)
08. If You Can't Stand the Heat...(2017 Remix)
09. Springtime in Siberia (2017 Remix)
10. Adios a la Pasada (Goodbye to the Past) (2017 Remix)

5.1 Surround Sound/Original Mix

01. Beelzebub (5.1 Surround Sound)
02. Back to the Beginning (5.1 Surround Sound)
03. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part One (5.1 Surround Sound)
04. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part Two (5.1 Surround Sound)
05. Sample and Hold (5.1 Surround Sound)
06. Feels Good to Me (5.1 Surround Sound)
07. Either End of August (5.1 Surround Sound) 08. If You Can't Stand the Heat... (5.1 Surround Sound)
09. Springtime in Siberia (5.1 Surround Sound)
10. Adios a la Pasada (Goodbye to the Past) (5.1 Surround Sound)
11. Beelzebub (Original 1978 Mix)
12. Back to the Beginning (Original 1978 Mix)
13. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part One (Original 1978 Mix)
14. Seems Like a Lifetime Ago: Part Two (Original 1978 Mix)
15. Sample and Hold (Original 1978 Mix)
16. Feels Good to Me (Original 1978 Mix)
17. Either End of August (Original 1978 Mix)
18. If You Can't Stand the Heat... (Original 1978 Mix)
19. Springtime in Siberia (Original 1978 Mix)
20. Adios a la Pasada (Goodbye to the Past) (Original 1978 Mix)

01. Hell's Bells (2017 Remix)
02. One of a Kind- Part One (2017 Remix)
03. One of a Kind - Part Two (2017 Remix)
04. Travels with Myself - and Someone Else (2017 Remix)
05. Fainting in Coils (2017 Remix)
06. Five G (2017 Remix)
07. The Abingdon Chasp (2017 Remix)
08. Forever Until Sunday (2017 Remix)
09. The Sahara of Snow - Part One (2017 Remix) 10. The Sahara of Snow - Part Two (2017 Remix)
11. Five G Out-Take (Berlin / Stewart / Bruford) (2017 Remix)

01. Hell's Bells (5.1 Surround Sound)
02. One of a Kind- Part One (5.1 Surround Sound)
03. One of a Kind - Part Two (5.1 Surround Sound)
04. Travels with Myself - and Someone Else (5.1 Surround Sound)
05. Fainting in Coils (5.1 Surround Sound)
06. Five G (5.1 Surround Sound)
07. The Abingdon Chasp (5.1 Surround Sound)
08. Forever Until Sunday (5.1 Surround Sound)
09. The Sahara of Snow - Part One (5.1 Surround Sound)
10. The Sahara of Snow - Part Two (5.1 Surround Sound)
11. Hell's Bells (Original 1979 Mix)
12. One of a Kind- Part One (Original 1979 Mix)
13. One of a Kind - Part Two (Original 1979 Mix)
14. Travels with Myself - and Someone Else (Original 1979 Mix)
15. Fainting in Coils (Original 1979 Mix)
16. Five G (Original 1979 Mix)
17. The Abingdon Chasp (Original 1979 Mix)
18. Forever Until Sunday (Original 1979 Mix)
19. The Sahara of Snow - Part One (Original 1979 Mix)
20. The Sahara of Snow - Part Two (Original 1979 Mix)
21. Five G Out-Take

01. Age of Information
02. Gothic 17
03. Joe Frazier
04. Q.E.D
05. The Sliding Floor
06. Palewell Park
07. Plans for J.D
08. Land's End

01. Hell's Bells
02. Sample and Hold
03. Fainting in Coils
04. Travels with Myself - and Someone Else
05. Beelzebub
06. The Sahara of Snow - Part One
07. The Sahara of Snow - Part Two
08. One of a Kind - Part Two
09. Five G
10. Manacles

01. Hell's Bells
02. Sample and Hold
03. Land's End
04. Joe Frazier
05. Gothic 17
06. Plans for J.D
07. Age of Information
08. Five G

01. Hell's Midriff
02. Sketch 1
03. Restless Spirit
04. Hope
05. Consequential Circuits
06. Matching Green
07. Should've Been Something
08. There Is No Reward
09. Hooligan Juice 1
10. Hooligan Juice 2
11. Flat Bells, Claptrap and Trills
12. Sketch 2
13. Bedrock
14. Plotting the Heavens
15. Marrowbones and Cleavers
16. Prophet Motive
17. Sketch 1 [Reprise]
18. Saturday, No School

50件中 1-50件を表示

