It’s only in recent years that Clouds have been r...
It’s only in recent years that Clouds have been rehabilitated. In fact, it surprises people when they learn exactly what this group did, playing the Royal Albert Hall, the Fillmores, American and European tours, Beat Club, BBC, Island Records, etc etc, yet here was a group that was all but invisible till a relatively few years ago.
This album is an essential for anyone interested in music history.
The Clouds Scrapbook is the true bridge between 60s pop and 70s rock, elements of both abound here, the left-over legacy from 1-2-3, the pioneering group who were the inspiration for ELP, Yes, King Crimson.
Up Above Our Heads is the previously only USA album, now heard on CD for the first time, wonderful musicianship, even if the songwriting content is more diluted than I would like.
Watercolour Days contains several progressive pop classics, the title song, Cold Sweat, I Am The Melody are all hidden gems.
The bonus tracks really are a bonus. We hear 1-2-3 for the first time, live at the Marquee, revolutionary stuff if you have the mind and ears to transport yourself back to 66/67 to see and hear where it all began.
Wonderful poetic songs like Clockwork Soldier, A Day Of Rain, Why Is There No Magic finally see the light of day, a rousing piece of true Clouds organ in Once Upon A Time, some Doors-style darkness in The World Is A Madhouse and Shadows, and the pleasure of hearing the previously only vinyl recordings of Make No Bones About It and Heritage.