01. Jug of Punch, The (02:53)
02. Roddy McCorley (02:21)
03. Bard of Armagh, The (02:47)
04. Finnegan's Wake (02:23)
05. Brennan on the Moor (02:08)
06. Tipperary So Far Away (01:54)
07. Johnny I Hardly Knew You (03:35)
08. Real Old Mountain Dew, The (01:46)
09. Men of the West, The (01:53)
10. Boulavogue (02:38)
11. Courting in the Kitchen (03:37)
12. Castle of Dromore, The (02:34)
13. Minstrel Boy, The (01:34)
14. Boldy Thady Quill (02:34)
15. O Donell Aboo (The Clan Connell War Song) (02:02)
16. Ballinderry (02:30)
17. Barnyards of Delgaty, The (02:05)
18. Portlairge (01:20)
19. Nell Flaherty's Drake (02:39)
20. Paddy Doyle's Boots (01:23)
21. Maid of the Sweet Brown Knowe, The (02:49)
22. Stuttering Lovers, The (01:18)
23. Work of the Weavers, The (01:57)
24. Bungle Rye (02:22)
25. Eamonn an Chnuic (02:26)
26. Maid of Fife-E-O, The (02:11)
27. Bold Tenant Farmer, The (01:45)
28. Eileen Aroon (02:49)
29. Johnny Mceldoo (01:40)
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