01. Brennan on the Moor
02. Work of the Weavers
03. Stuttering Lovers
04. Paddy Doyle's Boots
05. Maid of Fife-E-O
06. Bard of Armagh
07. Jug of Punch
08. Roddy McCorley
09. Barnyards of Delgaty
10. Castle of Dromore
11. Bold Tenant Farmer
12. Ballinderry
13. Bungle Rye
14. Eileen Ardon
15. Johnny I Hardly Knew You
16. Paper and Pins - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Peg Clancy, Tommy Makem
17. I Know Where I'm Going - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Peg Clancy, Tommy Makem
18. As I Roved Out - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Tommy Makem
19. Cobbler - The Clancy Brothers, Sarah Makem, Tommy Makem
20. Whiskey You're the Devil
21. All Around the Lonely O
22. Moonshiner
23. Me Grandfather Died - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Peg Clancy, Tommy Makem
24. Shelly Kee Bookey/Around to the Butcher Shop/One Two Three - The Clancy Brothers, Grandchildren, Tommy Makem
25. Little Beggarman - The Clancy Brothers, Sarah Makem, Tommy Makem
26. Real Old Mountain Dew
27. Woman from Wexford - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Peg Clancy, Tommy Makem
28. I'll Tell My Mar - The Clancy Brothers, Bobby Clancy, Peg Clancy, Tommy Makem
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