ディスク 1
01. CD 1: CITY LIGHTS Charlie Chaplin
02. Overture / Unveiling the Statue
03. The Flower Girl (La Violetera)
04. Evening / Meeting the Millionaire
05. At the Millionaire's Home
06. The Nightclub - Dance Suite
07. The Limousine
08. The Sober Dawn
09. The Party & the Morning After
10. Eviction / the Road Sweeper / at the Girl's Home
11. The Boxing Match
12. The Burglars
13. Reunited
ディスク 2
02. Opening - Assembly Line
03. Lunchtime - Charlie's Breakdown - Worker's Rally
04. The Gamin - Jail
05. Tragedy at the Demonstration - Out of Jail, Out of Job - Chance Meeting
06. The Night Watchmen - Skating - Intruders
07. The Next Morning - Shack of Paradise - Race to Factory Gate
08. Mechanic's Assistant - Lunch Break - on Strike - Gamin's Dance Sequence
09. Titina
10. Finale
ディスク 3
02. Overture / Chilkoot Pass
03. The Lone Prospector, Big Jim & Black Larsen
04. Shelter
05. I'll Fill You Both Full of Lead
06. Hunger / Black Larsen and the Law
07. Thanksgiving Day / Impending Doom
08. Georgia / The Dancehall
09. Hank Curtis' Cabin
10. A Surprise Visit
11. Hustling and Shovelling / New Year's Eve
12. Dance of the Rolls / Auld Lang Syne
13. Return to the Cabin
14. Millionaires
ディスク 4
01. CD 4: THE GREAT DICTATOR & MONSIEUR VERDOUXMontage No. 1, The Old Order Changeth
02. Hynkel's Speech / Horses A-Manship
03. Ghetto Sign
04. Entrance of Hannah
05. Hannah at the Doorstep
06. Barber Shop Opening
07. Stagger Dance
08. Charlie's Last Capture
09. Hynkel's Piano Improvisation
10. Hannah's Soliloquy
11. Globe Dance (Vorspiel Lohengrin)
12. Barber Shop Scene (Hungarian Dance No. 5)
13. Ze Boulevardier
14. Pudding Mysterioso
15. Concentration Camp
16. Osterlich Bridge
17. Valse triste
18. Invasion of Osterlich
19. Hope Springs Eternal
20. Final Speech (From "The Great Dictator")
21. Hannah, Can You Hear Me? / Vorspiel Lohengrin / End Title
22. Main Title - Monsieur Verdoux
23. A Paris Boulevard
24. A Paris Boulevard (Cancan Version)
25. The Crash
26. Montage
27. Tango Bitterness
28. Speech from Monsieur Verdoux
ディスク 5
02. Limelight Opening / Terry's Theme (Eternally) / Hurdy Gurdy Waltz
03. Awakening
04. Animal Trainer
05. Spring Song
06. Ode to a Worm
07. Calvero's Lesson for Life
08. Six Months Later / Empire Intro & Promenade
09. Terry's Try-Out / Terry's Theme (Eternally), Piano Solo
10. The Harlequinade Ballet / Terry's Theme (Eternally) / Moon Dance
11. Terry's Solo / Terry's Theme (Eternally) / Pas de Deux
12. Terry's Success (Child's Theme)
13. Spring Song with Banjo
14. Sardine Song
15. Chaplin and Keaton Piano and Violin Duet
16. Calvero's Death / Terry's Theme (Eternally) / Criterion Waltz
17. Fanfare
18. Generique
19. Revolution and Generique
20. Jungle Rhythm
21. A Million Dollars
22. A Million Dollars (Instrumental)
23. Rock and Roll (I Got Shoes)
24. Scope Fanfares
25. Serenade (Piano Solo)
26. Restaurant Jazz
27. Mandolin Serenade
28. I'd Sell My Soul
29. Comedy Gavotte
30. Salle de Bain
31. Park Avenue Waltz
32. Park Avenue Waltz (Extended)
33. Juke Box
34. Martini
35. The Spring Song (Spring's the Time for Making Love)
36. The Spring Song (Spring's the Time for Making Love) (Instrumental)
37. Whisky Montage
38. Now That It's Ended
39. Paperhangers
40. Weeping Willows (Clarinet Solo)
41. Weeping Willows
42. Mysterioso
43. Chess Music
44. End Titles
45. Rupert's Political Tirade (Michael Chaplin)
ディスク 6
02. Dog's Life Theme
03. Labour Exchange
04. Dogs Life Theme / Dog Chase
05. Green Lantern Rag
06. Coffee and Cakes
07. Green Lantern Snag
08. Flat Feet / The Shimmy
09. Song Triste
10. Coda / 3 Rags / Coffee and Cakes / Jazz
11. Kicked Out (Coffee and Cakes)
12. Robbers / Robber Buries Money
13. Jazz / Dog Digging / Charlie Finds Money
14. Rag
15. Romance
16. March
17. D. Minor Theme
18. Robbers / Tte tte
19. Bar (Robbers) / Galop
20. When Dreams Come True (Coffee and Cakes / Dogs Life Theme)
21. Flat Feet
22. Sauerkraut March / Shell Happy / Changing Guard / Peace
23. The Post
24. Limburger (Sauerkraut March)
25. Bed Time (Bugle Call / Flat Feet)
26. Morning (Bugle Call / Shell Happy)
27. Over the Top
28. The Captured Trench (Sauerkraut March)
29. Two of a Kind (Flat Feet)
30. Inner March
31. Tree Cam
32. Suspense Cam
33. Agitato / Mysterioso March / The Enemy
34. D. Minor Waltz
35. Inner March / The Enemy
36. Mysterioso March / The Kaiser Visits the Front (Inner March)
37. Rescuing the Girl and His Pal (Inner March)
38. Trombone Sweetener / Eerie / Inner March
39. Bringing Home the Bacon / Trumpet Call / End Title
ディスク 7
02. Prolog
03. Tilla und Damian
04. Utreia!
05. Drei Monate zuvor
06. Vatermord
07. Durch den Glauben
08. Zurck in die Burg
09. Wegelagerer
10. Das Versprechen
11. Ein einarmiger Retter
12. Fern
13. Du besitzt die Gabe
14. Im Niemandsland
15. Tremmlingen
16. Dunkle Schatten
17. Flucht
18. Dein Schicksal
19. Jeder trgt sein Kreuz
20. Die Pilgerin
21. Dunkelwelt
22. Otfried's Ende
23. Sein Herz
24. So sagt man doch
25. Gourdeville's letzter Kampf
26. Deine Reise ist hier zu Ende
27. Abspann
ディスク 8
02. Swing Little Girl
03. A Struggling Circus
04. Around the Side Shows
05. The Funny Man
06. Befriending Merna
07. The William Tell Act
08. The Barber Shop Act / The New Property Man
09. The Circus Prospers / The Lion's Cage
10. The Fortune Teller
11. Rex / The Tramp's New Ambition
12. Preparing to Replace Rex
13. The Tramp on the Tightrope
14. The Circus Leaves Town
ディスク 9
01. CD 9: THE KID
02. A Smile - And Perhaps, a Tear
03. His Morning Promenade
04. At Home with the Infant
05. Five Years Later
06. Working the Streets
07. A star of Great Prominence / Breakfast
08. The Fight
09. The Country Doctor
10. The Orphan Asylym / Rooftop Chase
11. Night / $1000 Reward / Dawn
12. Dreamland / The End
ディスク 10
02. Opening Music / Box Theme / Charlies Theme
03. Suspense / Charlies Theme / Unison Theme
04. The Lonely Tramp (Golf Links Waltz)
05. Charlies Daydream (Optimism)
06. Golf Links Waltz
07. That Evening (Carefree)
08. Madam Awaits You (Optimism)
09. South American
10. Fox-trot
11. Apology (Carefree)
12. Opening Music / The Foremans Daughter (Debussy Music) / Brick Music
13. Lunch Waltz / Brick Music
14. His Wife and First National Bank
15. Solving the Peace Problem / Singing Outside the Club Music
16. Sweet Adeline Waltz
17. "Last Bus" Music
18. Five A.M. (Misterioso) / Finale Music
ディスク 11
02. Opening Music
03. Car Music
04. Boat Ride
05. Jazz
06. Sea Music
07. Deck Chair Waltz
08. Sea Song
09. Oh! We Wont Get Home Till the Morning
10. Crossroads
11. Tar
12. Opening Music - Sunnyside
13. Sunnyside Waltz
14. Evergreen Waltz
15. Morning Service
16. The Unwilling Sinner (Emotional)
17. The Wood Nymphs (Ballet Music, Vamp Number)
18. Romance Waltz
19. A Flat Note (Bandolero)
20. Late Again (Country Vamp)
21. Lounge Lizards
22. Forgotten
23. Cruel Fate (When Other Lips) (From "The Bohemian Girl")
24. His Last Hope (When Other Lips) (From "The Bohemian Girl")
ディスク 12
02. A Woman of Paris / Melody in F
03. Nocturne / Suspense
04. Minor Melody
05. Shock
06. At the Station
07. Jeans Reaction (Shock)
08. One Year Later in Paris (Restaurant Waltz)
09. Revels Music / Restaurant Waltz
10. Champagne Truffles (Restaurant Waltz)
11. Maries Apartment
12. Revels Business Office
13. Paulette Arrives (Maries Apartment)
14. Champagne
15. Bad News
16. That Evening (Latin Quarter)
17. Latin Quarter
18. Homespun
19. Nocturne / Latin Quarter
20. Cassette Waltz
21. Bad News / Revels Business Office
22. Painting Music (Fox Trot)
23. The Necklace Waltz
24. We Must Part (Bad News)
25. The Argument / Agitato / Shock
26. Revels Music / Champagne
27. Maries Apartment / Restaurant Waltz / Bad News
28. Massage Scene
29. Remorse and Despair (Shock)
30. Revel Waltz / Dramatique
31. Restaurant Waltz
32. Shock and Agitato / Shock Theme
33. At the Station / Minor Waltz Melody / Shock Theme
34. The Argument / Nocturne / Restaurant Waltz
35. A Woman of Paris