CD No More Pain

No More Pain

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  • ★★★★★ 

    flipangel_88  |  UNITED STATES  |  不明  |  11/September/2010

    N.M.P is a good album with a different feel from most of KAT-TUN’s previous works. Although it didn’t seem overly KAT-TUN-ish for the most part, I still enjoyed it a lot. Surprisingly, my favorite track is a mid-temp song titled FARAWAY, as opposed to previous favorites of fast-temp songs! I liked the CD overall but I do hope that KAT-TUN will still stick to their more edgy style & sound!!! P.S please lose the excessive use of auto-tune, some is fine but I like hearing your voices best as opposed to the contorted version of your voices with all the auto-tun!!!!

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  • ★★★★★ 

    亀kitty  |  茨城県  |  不明  |  06/August/2010

    新しい曲調のN.M.Pはファンだけでなく、KAT−TUNに興味のない人に聴いてもらって、新しい一面を知ってほしいです。 そして、ファンの皆さんには、ぜひバラードを聴いてほしいです。 今、メンバーがファンに伝えたいことが歌詞にこめられてる気がして、泣いてしまいました。 本当に感動します。

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  • ★★★★★ 

    Yuuki  |  Akita  |  不明  |  06/August/2010

    Kat-tun がすごく好きです! Maru taking over as lead vocal! Kat-tun, I’ll always support you!

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  • ★☆☆☆☆ 

    ROSE  |  京都府  |  不明  |  29/July/2010

    新作はN.M.P以外は聴く気にならない 前作のが良かった

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  • ★★★★★ 

    kate666  |  THAILAND  |  不明  |  26/July/2010

    KAT-TUN have never failed to create an album that’s fun to listen to no matter what genres the songs are. They try out new stuffs such as more auto-tunes, more dance beats and somewhat lesser rock but the overall theme still remains the ”upbeat songs” which you can rock yourself to (or move yourself along for a better word). That’s fun! The song sequence of this album, in my opinion, is really good. It drives me to listen to this CD over and over. The title track is superb. All the singles are loveable. ”Right now” is the song I didn’t like at first but the more I listen to I more I fall in love with it and it’s become one of my favourites of this album now for its wonderful sound engineering. I usually rate five star for any albums that I can listen to over and over without skipping any tracks. This No More Pain certainly gets a five star from me too. :)

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  • ★★★★★ 

    ジュン  |  東京都  |  不明  |  21/June/2010

    ROCKIN'ALL NITEとRIGHT NOWが好きです。ソロでは、聖のMAKE U WET CHAPTER2 亀ちゃんのSWEETがお気に入り、全体的にKAT-TUNらしいアルバムになっていていろんな曲楽しめます。

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